
Bartoh's Definition Of The Trinity

Decent Essays

Barth’s definition of the trinity greatly relies on Christian’s understanding the way in which God must reveal himself to us. For this reason it is important that the Son and Spirit cannot be seen as subordinate to God. This rationale leads Barth to disagree with Augustine’s lexical choice to refer to the parts of the trinity as “persons.” Barth argues that “persons” may denote a separation between the Father, Son, and Spirit. Barth then gives a historical account revealing how referring to the Triune God by “persons” may have caused several problems in early church theology. Barth suggests that “modes of beings” better describes the Triune God whom is concerned with wholly revealing and wholly concealing himself to us within God’s being.
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Tanner expertly describes the “person” of Jesus as the Word to further emphasize his roles apart from “the Son” or “Christ.” After clarifying the “person” of Jesus, Tanner explains Jesus’s role with the other members of the trinity through Gospel narratives. This reveals how the Triune God can be one and equal t the same time. It also revealed how we can see the relationship of the members of the trinity through the shared patterns and actions mutually accomplished in Scripture. Tanner also writes hos Biblical imagery is enlightened through the personification of the trinity. Tanner ends through showing how the trinity has been comprehended by both the Western and Eastern church, as well as how the trinity is present in sacramental

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