
Barry Seal Essay

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Barry Seal, not widely recognized among the U.S. public, played a vital role in the U.S. strategy with revolutionaries all over the world. Not only did he lead a double life by living openly as a drug dealer, but also provided evidence to the CIA and DEA about other known associates. He trafficked both cocaine and guns in order to help fund third world revolutionaries that would benefit the interest of the United States. Barry could take all sorts of pressure. He helped bust many illegal trades and corruption within foreign governments. His tragic death left many people with sighs. One of the greatest undercover agents had been murdered. Barry had a saying, “If you can't stand the heat don't work in the kitchen,” followed by, “I can take the pressure.” Seal was a very young talented pilot who worked to obtain his license before the age of sixteen. He was only 15 years old when he started flying with only eight hours of training; he was also serving in the National Guard and Army Reserve. Flying with TWA, Trans World Airlines, he became one of the youngest captains to fly a Boeing 707 in 1964 (Berman 2), and also the youngest 747 captain that year (Aswell 1). He flew weapon to Fidel Castro, a Cuban communist revolutionary, in the late …show more content…

Attorney Lewis ungleshy told the judge that his ling made was a death sentenced for seal (Aswell 3). “His purpose there was to intum the commiotum and top United States officials of the methods and equipment used by drug smugglers… and (He) was scheduled to be a key witness in the government case against Jorge Ochoa, the head of one of the largest drug cartels in the world. WHY WAS SUCH AN IMPORTANT WITNESS NOT GIVEN PROTECTION WHETHER HED WANTED IT OR NOT?” Guste Asked (Aswell

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