
Barry P. Powell's The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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In society, women symbolize the birth of life, just as the women in The Epic of Gilgamesh symbolize the birth to civilization as well as formation of a friendship. From the beginning of time, women have been looked upon as sexual objects, and a temptation to men. There has been an association to having a negative convocation to their motives, and their ability to distract men from their goals. According to Barry P. Powell, there's a noticeable hostility towards women and their motives in the novel. Powell believed women are viewed as sexual distractions, irresistible force, and a death trap. Though some might view Powell's description to be true, the women in The Epic of Gilgamesh represent power, motivation and the ability to guide Gilgamesh and Enkidu to a fuller life.

Enkidu was created by the goddess Aruru, and placed in the wilderness from birth, “Enkidu was born in the uplands,with the gazelles he grazed on grasses.” (1-175). The first meeting of Shamat, the harlot and Enkidu is brought upon the trappers father. He convinces Shamat to go by the watering hole and seduce Enkidu into having sex with her. Their initial goal was to bewilder Enkidu, and overturn his connection with the wilderness. For six days and seven nights Enkidu and Shamat laid next to each other and made love until Enkidu was …show more content…

He does not think Gilgamesh is worthy of the secret of immortality and that he should just give up his conquest. This is the moment Utnapishtim's wife steps in and persuades him to help Gilgamesh out. Though Utnapishtim does not disclose his secret, he agrees to give Gilgamesh knowledge about a plant that can make him young again. Through Utnapishtim's wife's role in persuasion, Gilgamesh is able to obtain the plant and have a chance to live in his youthfulness again. Utnapishtim's wife embodies the power of

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