
Bariatric Surgery: NHS And Life Course Theory

Decent Essays

Suzanne Jordan – BH15WO

Assignment One – HSS130 Community Perspectives on Health

Bariatric surgery, the effect it has on the NHS and Life Course Theory

Obesity is being hailed as a global pandemic by academics (Boyd A Swinburn, 2011) and the effects that this has on healthcare systems in the UK is of increasing concern. Not only does obesity cause issues with mobility, it also plays a large part in a multitude of health issues such as diabetes type 2, coronary heart disease, cancer, hypertension, stroke, joint problems and mental health conditions such as depression and low self-esteem. (NHS, 2016) In a report published in 2007 in a journal named Obesity Reviews, it is stated that “The direct cost of overweight and obesity to the NHS is

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