
Bare It Up Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

While enjoying a cob of corn, it is easy to get carried away with the butter. If butter got onto your carpet during your last corn fest, here is what you need to do to remove the stain.
#1 Scrape It Off
If you are able to see the spot the stain when it is still fresh and the butter is moist, use a very dull butter knife to scrape and remove as much butter as possible. You don’t want to use a sharp knife; it could cut the fibers of your carpet and worsen the situation.
#2 Absorb It Up
Next, you want to try to absorb and soak up as much of the better as you can. First, take a paper towel and very gentle blot at the area. Be careful to not apply too much pressure, you don’t want to push the butter further into the carpet.
Then, take some Talcum

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