Banning the Burqa Banning the burqa has become increasingly deliberate since 2011 in France. The burqa ban is also known as a ban that is against women wearing all face coverings while out in public places in France. On April 11, 2011 the ban of the burqa went into effect. There has, however, been much debate on this matter. Women think that the ban is discrimination to them, but on the other end, France believes that it will be a good thing for the country and the violence in the country. This ban was taken into court by an Islamic woman, who would only go by the name of S.A.S. This ban actually prevents the women from being abused and will help with the safety around the community. This ban was not meant to be discriminating or take any religious freedoms. Based off of evidence, France, the Defendant of the case has the right to ban the burqa from wear because of safety reasons. The burqa should be banned because it can cover up some people’s abuse incidents. Domestic violence has been reported from eighty-five to ninety percent for women that do not wear their burqa out in public. Most of the women who wear their burqa out in public are forced to by their husbands. Additionally, research indicated that wear of the burqa can lead skin problems, hearing loss, headaches, and other health issues to the women who wear them. The burqa has also been linked to depression, claustrophobia, and anxiety. Secondly, this law was implemented for the safety of immigrants that are
In the article,” comment”,Pat Lancaster, an editorial writer, argues let them discard that they should have the choice to do so but a personal one,as well as needing to uphold personal freedoms. She believes that without liberty,egality and fraternity France wouldn't be the same. She or he supports the claim by giving evidence about equality and emancipation. People culture and who they are being taken away by the government and people of the same culture supporting the ban. She follows this with reasons why they shouldn't ban the hijabs and how other ethics including muslims contribute leading european power .
Politicians in Quebec have passed a controversial religious neutrality bill which would require people receiving and giving services to expose their faces and could mean that the Muslim niqab or burqa could be banned in public.
. The wearing of burqa has become contested in European nations for reasons of security and identification but also as a challenge to women's rights from both sides of the fence . Opponents argue that it is from an oppressive patriarchal culture that makes women cover up, though for many Muslim women they feel it is their choice to wear it for religious reasons and stopping them doing so is impacting their rights. Groups both in the West and those that oppose the west have presented ideas about the nature of Muslims to support their cause, this comprising of being highly aggressive, opposed to liberty,unafraid of death being prepared to go to any lengths to achieve their objectives. These ideas mean immigration within the west has become highly contested especially since the recession for economic , social and security reasons, and a fear about immigrants has been created that is not beneficial to moving forward . An article in the Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) polled attitudes towards muslims and found that they were more favourable when groups met and discussed their points of view, they found that it led to a greater understanding and reduced
Women were forced to wear this dress to keep from committing impropriety but if men committed an act of impropriety nothing would be done about it like it would have been done with women. The claim was that the burka kept men from looking at a woman in an inappropriate way. Whereas, in reality it just kept women in the control of their male counterparts.
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, said earlier this year that the full veil, such as the niqab or the burqa, "hurts the dignity of women and is not acceptable in French society" (Aljazeera). In opposition to the critics' argument, Alveena Malik, a former faith adviser to the last Labour government , believes, Britain needs to take a different direction from others in Europe and to accept the veil as part of a modern British way of life(Ross). She also believes that the religious practice of the Islamic face veil should be a fundamental right. By giving Muslims the fundamental right of practicing their religion, it would give them the right to express their freedom and religion. If Britain decided to deprive the Muslims of their fundamental right like France did, then Britain would be trying to force the Muslims that participate in wearing the Islamic face veil to conform to their society like France as well. The government says that the reason for the ban on the Islamic face veil is because of security and the values or beliefs of the country in which the Muslims reside in. For instance: France says that the ban may cause France to be a target of terrorism. If France is concerned about the security of the citizens and knows that banning the Islamic face veil would cause a potential problem of terrorism, it seems like France would
When I was introduced to the topic of France’s ban on the veil, I disagreed with the law. I took a position based on my customs as an American citizen, which differs completely from those of France. International critics began to argue that France is violating what people call “Freedom of Religion,” which I agreed with at first. As a foreigner from America, I am accustomed to the American government’s definition of freedom of religion. Protected by the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise.” (Religious Freedom). You can express your religion in public, during church, mass, or religious meetings. So the presence of religious items such as the burqa's and veil do not disturb the people or government.
On Monday, April 11th 2011, France became the first country to put into force a law that bans Muslim women wearing the Burqa in any public setting. Not only did this ban create a global debate, a domino effect on other countries to put forth the same law, but also creating tension among French Muslims and their citizens (Ulusoy). The Quran asks believing women to cover although Muslim women interpret covering their bodies in different ways. The Burqa covers the entire face and body and has netting surrounding the eyes. The Niqab only varies from the burqa in that it has an opening in the eye area. Lastly, the most common cover is hijab, which covers the body yet leaves the face and hands visible
In “The Politics of the Veil” by Joan Wallach Scott, she argues about the proponents of the law on holding France’s values of liberalism and the wearing of headscarves. Wearing headscarf known as hijab has faced discrimination to all female Muslim all over the world. Students who are well behaved should have their right to protect themselves as women.
At a peak in time where the Muslim population in Europe felt most discriminated, the ban on the hijab was declared in France in 2004. This piece of religious clothing was no longer allowed inside public work settings
Since the incident of 9/11 occurred, many people have debated over the Muslim faith and its practices. Muslim extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS have affected the name of Islam causing majority of Muslims to be blamed. Recently, a tragic event that occurred in Paris killing over a hundred people left the people of France shaken with fear and anger. These events have lead to an increasing amount of hate and tension towards Muslims all over the world from protests at mosques, where Muslims go to pray, and anti-Muslim rally’s. Islamophobia is a massive issue that has steered European counties like France to enforce laws that ban religious garments that Muslims wear such as the niqab and burqa. Some people perceive these garments to be
A nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to god. But when a Muslim woman does the same she is being oppressed. It may be argued that wearing a burqa benefits only a few and brings more harm than good to society. The real question is who does it harm? That should be the basis for banning this piece of clothing, not one based on fear or an arguably feeble argument that the women do not have a choice. To say that a ban on a specific item like this is undemocratic is an understatement. Following the French senate’s unanimous vote in favour of banning the burqa in late 2010, many European and western countries including Belgium and Spain have made the decision to take the
The wearing of a hijab or also known as a veil has lately become a problematic issue in numerous locations around the world, in particularly the Western part of the world. Hijab or veil is a headscarf that is regularly worn by Muslim women. Muslim women will wear a veil as a sign of favor to their faith. On the opposite side, others will wear it because they have no other choice from the pressure of their family members and religion. Individuals will even argue that the wearing of a hijab is a spiritual liberation. Other individuals will have a difference in opinion by saying that by wearing a hijab is an unjust to women, they believe that the wearing of a hijab is part of a Muslim system that brings women under command and control.
The anticipated law, whose purpose is to ban the use of the burqa and veil, finally took place in France. The ban started within school, and expanded into a restriction within the entire country. France drew international attention, questions, and opinions on the justification of this new law. Even though France’s main response to their justification of the ban is to preserve the French culture, the law also positively addresses other problems such as: religious freedom, public safety, and women’s rights.
Currently, the French want to ban the wearing of religious symbols in public schools so that there is no social tension, and to keep the main religion in France (Roman Catholicism) ‘pure’ (Gofen 63). But even though the French say they want to keep their culture pure, in reality since the world wars, religions such as Islam and Judaism have in fact become a part of their culture. Once again, the French let in other cultures knowingly, and once the cultural diversity begins, all the religions are apart of a country’s culture. An example of a religious symbol that the French are considering to ban is the Burka. A Burka is an outfit worn by Muslim females that cover them head to toe. Some, who want to ban the burka say that it is disrespectful to women and can be degrading. But, 64 million people in France are Muslim. By wearing a Burka they are just following their religion and are also following tradition (French). One other big controversy regarding religious symbols is the banning of
Muslim women: the Western view of these ladies is one of abuse, terror and oppression. The burka has become a symbol of male control and domination, warping the truth about Islam, and turning it into a violent regime focused on terrorism and ruling by fear. For example, if one were to do a “Google search” on the words Muslim women, the preponderance of images are of burka-clad women, with the one exclusion, of course, being Miss Egypt in her bikini.