
Banning Gmo Research Paper

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Little to no information is known about GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. This means researchers have a very limited amount of facts behind genetically modified foods. The long term health consequences behind these foods is unknown. Countries like Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom have banned GMOs because of the lack of information behind these mysterious organisms. The amount of chemicals put into these foods alone would send anyone running in the opposite direction. Although most people believe since GMOs don’t have lots of information, what you don’t know can’t hurt. But in the long run, better safe than sorry. Genetically modified foods have been banned in the countries listed above because the lack of facts and information supporting GMO foods. In America foods that contain GMOs aren’t labeled. …show more content…

One of the most dangerous chemicals in these foods is an Endocrine Disruptors called Obesogens. Just that name is enough to rattle my nerves. The chemical Obesogens, cause weight gain. The way these chemicals cause weight gain is by altering the way people feel when hungry. The most horrifying thing about these chemicals is not only how terrible they can make your health, but once you consume these chemicals a gene in them make you want more and more. On a different note, some people believe what you don’t know can’t hurt you, this mind set is what led to GMO foods not having labels. But, although very small GMOs do have a “bright” side. GMO crops are tolerant to herbicides. Herbicides are the chemical farmers spray on plant to kill weeds and bugs. Another thing is farmers can add an antifreeze gene to GMO crops so they can survive cold weather. Lastly, the can stand a long amount of time without water. Although GMO foods contain a lot of unhealthy chemicals, at least they can survive freezing temperatures, a drought, and a bug killing chemical,

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