
Banning Catcher In The Rye Research Paper

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The controversy over the banning of the Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, has persisted since it was published in 1945. Holden’s depression, which was most likely caused by the death of his brother Allie, is the focus of the novel. After getting kicked out of school, Holden goes to New York City for a week where he seriously considers committing suicide. His depression is compounded by his extreme loneliness. In fact, Holden goes as far as to hire a prostitute just so he could have someone to talk to. As the book concludes,the reader understands that Holden does receive help and is recovering from his depression. Despite the controversy surrounding Holden’s narrative, Catcher in the Rye should not be banned due to the important message that …show more content…

Throughout the novel, Holden is battling serious depression. As the novel goes on, his depression continues to worsen. It gets to the point where he says “What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window” (Salinger 117), proving that the extent of Holden’s depression is extreme just like many adolescents in today's world. According to the Jason Foundation, “Each day in our nation, there are an average of over 3,470 attempts by young people grades 9-12” (Youth). Many of these suicide attempts could have been prevented since “Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs” (Youth). This book helps readers recognize many of the common signs teens suffering from depression show before attempting suicide; allowing them to help friends who are suffering like Holden. Banning this book in high schools across the nation may prevent depressed teens from receiving help from the book by seeing how Holden realized that he needed to get professional help to get through his depression. Having this book on the required reading list gives teens a different perception into depression and decreasing the stigma associated with mental health

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