
Bann Puppy Mills Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Nidhi Chavan
Ms. Daniels
English, 3
Day Month Year
Bann Puppy Mills
Could you see a child being put and stacked up on crates with other childern stacked with them? This is what they do to dogs in puppy mills, they have the mother bread right after she gives birth so they can have more puppies to sell. I mean come on how could any one be so creul to do that to a poor dog? Most puppies are sold at makets at 8 weeks old, puppies need to be at least 12 weeks old before they are seperated from their moms. this causes a lot of stress on the puppies and the mom, which causes health compliccations. We need to stress on the amount of dogs that are being over populated in the world. I understand many people do like to buy dog of beautiful breads. We

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