
Balcony Scene Argument: Film Adaptation Of Romeo And Juliet

Satisfactory Essays

Samuel Godinez Ms. Bartholomew Freshman English Honors 1 15 February 2017 Balcony Scene Argument In the different film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, Franco Zefirelli best conveys an emotional impact through the set design, blocking, and other theatrical elements. Zefirelli also chooses to have the film in the fourteenth century so that Shakespeare’s diction is comprehensible. From this, Zeffirelli adaptation is best conveys the romantic impact Shakespeare intends to emphasize. Franco Zefirelli best conveys an emotional impact through set design. Zefirelli uses the orchard to postulate that Romeo uses nature to hide from the Capulets but is also free to talk to Juliet. Using nature as a set design, Zefirelli emphasizes that even nature

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