
Baking Soda Vs Epsom Salt

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Counterclaim:I disagree with the other group that thinks it's baking soda,citric acid, epsom salt. I disagree with them cause me and my partner tested both thoughts of each group. The first thing me and my partner did was put it in a well tray and put water in it. Then we tested the temperature the mystery mixture was 15.9, baking soda and citric acid was 16.2 degrees Fahrenheit, and baking soda citric acid and epsom salt was 16.8. After we did this we put 10 drops of water in them and left them overnight. When we came back the next morning we looked and they all turned to a crystal looking thing on the bottom of the well tray they were all white but baking soda, citric acid and epsom salt looked a little different because at the bottom it had more white color. But for baking soda and citric acid it left barely any color just like the mystery mixture. That is why I disagree with baking soda, citric acid and epsom salt. …show more content…

Why I think it is that is. Because when me and my partner tested we left it overnight and looked at the results. The results were the the exact same it turned a white crystal like color on the bottom. We also did with the class an experiment of baking soda and citric acid in one and in the other we did baking soda, citric acid and epsom salt the results for the temperature were for the mystery mixture was 15.9, and for baking soda and citric acid it was 16.2, and for baking soda citric acid and epsom salt it was

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