
Bait ‘N Reel Superstore a Comprehensive Review on the Internal Control System of the Company

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Bait ‘n Reel Superstore
A Comprehensive Review on the Internal Control System of the Company

Bait ‘n Reel Superstore is a fishing store located in the Mountain Region of Pennsylvania owned and managed by Jamie Roberts. The said store has several internal control issues which greatly affect the efficiency of the store’s system.

Purchase System

Transaction Authorization
The store doesn’t observe the separation of authorizing purchase and processing it. The purchasing department is the one who sees to it that the inventory levels of the items are well maintained. This practice can often times lead to over or under purchasing for the reason that the purchasing department doesn’t have the knowledge on the behaviour of the …show more content…

Use of padlocks and other security devices should be practiced. Also, these goods should be placed in a Warehouse where only limited number of persons can have direct access to the goods.

Independent Verification
a. Accounts Payable Department has the complete access to the PO, Receiving Report and Sales Invoice before forwarding it to the Cash Disbursement System. The department can alter these documents then send it to the Cash Disbursement.
It would be better if it is not the Accounts Payable who forwards the Receiving Report but the Inventory Control Department so that the Cash Disbursement Manager/Clerk can reconcile it with the PO and Sales Invoice sent to him.

b. The Accounts Payable Department updates the AP Subsidiary Ledger without waiting for the Sales Invoice to be sent by the vendor and the verification from the Cash Disbursement Department of the recorded amount of check disbursed.
The AP department should wait for those verifications before recording the transactions in the subsidiary ledger.

Accounting Records
The Accounts Payable Department is the one who updates the AP General Ledger. It highly advised that AP Department should not be the one who updates the AP General Ledger for the reason that the manager may not record transactions so he can benefit from it.

Cash Disbursement System

Transaction Authorization
Authorization from the AP Department to disburse cash is not observed by the Cash Disbursement

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