
Bad Choices

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Bad Choices make good Stories

Hey last night did you hear about that robbery? Well I heard the robber is only 11 years old. He lives in Compton, California and his parents are both in jail for robbery, it's the only thing that he knows how to do. Should he be punished for that or not? Most kids make bad choices either due to peer pressure (trying to fit in), or they dont know whats right and what's wrong. It is sometimes acceptable to be immoral or unethical for it allows us to learn from our mistakes and no one is perfect. But, if you keep making the same mistakes over and over then it becomes unacceptable.
Primarily, it is sometimes acceptable to be immoral or unethical as a result it allows us to learn from our mistakes. Learning from your mistakes can create good habits and learning experiences. When you make mistakes for example Timmy hear gets in a fight with the bully of the school, Timmy goes to Iss and hopefully he learns from the punishment at home and the punishment at school. Everybody in this world makes mistakes, but most of them can be fixed. When you make mistakes you get in trouble, When you get in trouble you learn from your mistakes. Thus people make mistakes, if they were perfect, we would have the perfect world with no problems. …show more content…

Everyone makes mistakes. If we were all perfect, all the baseball players would hit a home run every time they stepped up to the plate. Anyway, if you are a young kid and you make silly mistakes like breaking glass or someone's toy then they should not be in deep trouble. They should just be taught the lesson and then be done with it. That means if you are like five years old and you under bad influence by their parents, the parents should be the ones in trouble because the kid does not know better. If you keep making the same mistakes over and over again, that's when they should start being

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