
Bad Boys Research Paper

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Black males have been disproportionately getting in trouble and facing ineffective punishments within the school systems. Bad Boys, based on a three-year study held by Ann Arnett Ferguson, observed daily interactions between teachers and students in order to understand the children’s self-development in relation to the school. Ann discovered that many of the issues originated from the school system, “What I observed at Rosa Parks during more than three years of fieldwork in the school, heard from the boy himself, from his teachers, from his mother, made it clear that just as children were tracked into futures as doctors, scientists, engineers, word processors, and fast-food workers, there were also tracks for some children, predominantly African American and male, that led to prison” (2). This quote represents the great influence institutions have in creating, and regulating children’s identifications. Schools, such as Rosa Parks Elementary School, are believed to be the reason these “bad boy” types of children exist. School systems should be held responsible for negatively impacting students because of the cruel punishments used for discipline, and how the teachers use harsh judgments and accusations toward the kids. …show more content…

All three of these strategies are related to forms of power. The first is that of heterosexual power is always held by the male. Secondly, disrupting the classroom from their normal direction is indeed a form of power, and the last strategy involves the practicing of “fighting.” As stated in Bad Boys, “The tone of the engagement with power and the identity of the actor is highly consequential in terms of whether a performance is over looked by the teacher or becomes the object of punishment”

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