
Background And Culture: The Virgin Of Guadalupe

Decent Essays

As I’m sitting down in Hyochang park in Seoul, I’m trying to explain to a Korean citizen about my background, and culture who was originally curious about where I come from because my appearance screamed foreigner. I know enough Korean to get me by, but he happened to know English which was helpful. He asked me questions about my background, and culture. Therefore, I pull out three items from my backpack which are my Virgin of Guadalupe necklace, a soccer ball, and finally a sugar skull. He looked amazed by the items I pulled out, so I began to explain what each item meant before he could ask another question. “The most precious thing that we value that I have been taught by my Mexican culture, and background is the Virgin of Guadalupe. She represents our faith in our Catholic religion, and we adore her, and pray to her. December 11 is the day that we celebrate the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe, because Juan Diego who had declared that he had seen an apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe the previous day before, but the bishop did not believe him; therefore, he asked for a sign that would help prove that he was not lying to the bishop. On …show more content…

He arrived to find the land filled with the exact flower she had instructed him to get, and began to gather the

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