In order to draft this report data and information obtained from different surveys and research papers have been considered. Statistical facts relevant to subject of report also become part of this report. Thorough discussion has been done in order to elaborate the topic in question. Facts have been brought through interviews, questionnaires and internet browsing. Relevant sources have been properly referred.
This report is presented to bring the harsh facts regarding Social Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Nigeria, author do hope this piece of paper will bring the light on relevant facts and concerned authorizes take some steps to make the condition better.
Chapter I: Background and Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse
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Child sexual abuse is an immorality that is desolately predominant in our world today. The definition of sexual exploitation with children happens when an elder person, a youth or an adult uses a child or youth for his or her own sexual satisfaction (Biodun, 2000). By definition a child is under the Child’s Rights Act any person under the age of eighteen years. (Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004)
Children are used for all kinds of sexual falsification which range from rape to desecration and use of children for pornography as well. This kind of defilement includes all kinds of activities from rape of any opening on the child, to touching the genitals of the child, to imposing the child to fondle or touch the genitals of the abuser. It also includes acts of compelling the child to observe sexually explicit things in any form like broadcasting, directly or reading.
Compared to an adult a child is more vulnerable as a child requires more care and protection from anything which may result in a potential harm to him or her. Regrettably a good number of people take advantage of the vulnerability a child is prone to and result in exploitation of the child. Sexual exploitation of children has become a significant part of communities all over the world.
Statistics and Demographics of Child Sexual Abuse in Nigeria present in current literature:
According to the British National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, provided statistics on Child
Child sexual abuse involves a wide range of sexual activity. It may include fondling of the
Sexual violation of a child is one of the world’s darkest crimes. In most cases the victim’s view of the world and themselves is completely changed. This paper will
Any child or young person can be a victim of sexual exploitation, but children are believed to be at greater risk of being sexually exploited if they:
Sexual abuse can be hard to define because of the many different forms it can take on, the different levels of frequency, the variation of circumstances that can occur. Until a child is fit to function as a self-supporting and informed adult, we have an obligation not to take advantage of their lack of power or protection to inflict damage, or demand submission to acts that are not in their own best interests within. Children are being abused every day in different countries. While commonly accepted wisdom had been that childhood sexual abuse results in long lasting negative outcomes.
This article explores the issues around the child sexual exploitation, through the life experiences of vulnerable teenagers and how the ‘care’ system fails to support or understand their needs, leaving them vulnerable and at risk.
Over the years, sexual abuse has been defined and regulated across the United States. Laws and protections have been enforced to protect children from sexual perpetrators. These laws are extremely strict in the United States, but this may not be the case around the world. Although persecution of perpetrators remains a common solution, there are other interventions used to rehabilitate and prevent future acts of sexual abuse.
One of the most perverse traumas experienced by children is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is an unfortunate reality for many children all over the world. Most
Sexual abuse is a crime violators execute against people and children of all ages. Nowadays, the most common type of a sexual atrocity seems to be rape. If one does not give consent, then the violator has no right to perform any kind of intimate action. The perpetrator could possibly feel no or little remorse, but this sort of incident has a high chance of affecting a person negatively. There are numerous victims of sexual abuse who are able to move on with their lives, but there are multiple who have been impacted by this and are robbed of daily life experiences.
As time progresses on, more reports of child sexual abuse (CSA) have been documented. According to Colangelo and Cooperman, CSA is defined as “the use of a child under 18 years of age as an object of gratification for adult sexual needs and desires.” Another definition of CSA is “sexual abuse [that] occurs whenever one person dominates and exploits another by means of sexual activity or suggestion.” (Hall, M., & Hall, J., 2011) it is difficult to
Sexual abuse of children damages them for them entire lifetimes and robs them of the full, comfortable relationships they should have as adults. However, given these differences, sexual abuses evokes similar responses in everyone because it is as aggressive and conceive abuses of power that is expensive as humiliating, degrading and destruction. One of the major achievements of the past quarter century has been the growing awareness of the prevalence and changing psychological consequences of the sexual abuse of children. The majority of perpetrators are someone the child or family knows. As many as 93% of victims under the age of 18 know the abuser. A perpetrator does not have to be an adult to harm a child. They can have any relationship to the child including an older sibling or playmate, family member, a teacher, a coach or instructor, a caretaker, or the parent of another child. According to 1 in 6, sexual abuse is the result of abusive behavior that takes advantage of a child’s vulnerability and is in no way related to the sexual orientation of the abusive person.”
The definition of “child sexual abuse” has come a long way since its origin. Today, it is defined as any sexual act between an adult and a minor, or between two minors, when one exerts power over the other; this includes non-contact acts such as exhibitionism, exposure to pornography, voyeurism, and communicating in a sexual manner by phone or Internet. However, the issue of child sexual abuse was irrelevant until it was brought to the public’s attention by Western
An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today (Darness2Light, 2009a ). This figure continues to grow daily as perpetrators of this crime continue in this destructive path. The definition of child sexual abuse is the force, coercion, or cajoling of children into sexual activities by a dominant adult or adolescent. Sexual abuse of children includes touching (physical) sexually including: fondling; penetration (vaginal or anal using fingers, foreign objects or offenders organs; oral sex, or non-physical contact including: sexual comments; indecent exposures; masturbating in a child’s presence; child prostitution or child pornography (Child Welfare, 2009a).
Although child abuse has soon become a more discussed issue, it is nothing new in today’s society. Dating back to ancient times, physical child abuse has always attributed to lives of people around the world. Approaching and understanding child mistreatment has changed as societies have modernized and progressed; whereas one thing remains an unalterable issue, child abuse happens constantly and continuously worldwide.
Child abuse in American today is amongst the most saddened topics of mankind. Many children are subjected to neglect and abuse on a daily basis. The sex and age of child makes no difference when it comes to child abuse.. Boys and girls are equally likely to suffer maltreatment. The problem is how often child abuse goes unreported. Millions of children across the world are abused in some way, whether it is verbal, emotional, physical or sexual. Child abuse has been happening all over the world to young children, however many children keep this a secret because of fear of what could happen. Child Abuse consists of any act of commission or omission that endangers or impairs a child’s physical or emotional health and development. It can be
Child abuse is just one of the problems in America we face today. Child abuse affects a child’s mind, emotional state of being and this type of abuse or cruelty molds a person to whom they are by the age of eighteen and is a worldwide prevailing occurrence. “Child abuse or ill-treatment creates all forms of physical and /or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.” Child sexual abuse had been extensively known as one of the distress in a child’s life. Previous study have delivered tough indication of child sexual abuse is connected with a quantity of psychological, social, and mental health problems. Depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, and most illnesses among adult child sexual abuse victims. Former analyses have stated that some of the fears include sexual illnesses, victimization, and close acquaintance violence. In recent times, it has been establish that various physical health conditions are connected to child sexual abuse. In accumulation, child sexual abuse fighters have been found to accomplish less in knowledge and revenue.