Sealants For Baby Teeth: Does Your Child Need Them? One misconception that you may have about baby teeth is that they do not need to be cared for like adult teeth do. They’ll eventually come out, which can cause you to have the mindset that properal oral health is not necessary. However, baby teeth are just as prone to getting cavities, which can lead to pain that needs to be addressed by a dentist. That is why you may want to consider sealants for your child’s baby teeth. Here are some key things you need to know about them. What Are Dental Sealant? A dental sealant is an additional layer of protection for a tooth. Think of it like an additional layer or protective enamel that is added to teach tooth. A dental sealant will protect the
Mint Kids Dentistry, a well-known Pediatric Dental Care Clinic in Bellevue, WA, serving infants, kids, adult, and people with special needs with the best dental treatments. Our efficient and qualified dentistry staff makes every effort to deliver a comfortable dental experience to every patient. We are focused to adopt the most advanced and trenchant approaches to patient dental care. Mint Kids Dentistry feels privileged to assist the kids with an assortment of dental services including preventive dentistry, behaviour management, restoration and cosmetic, nitrous oxide sedation, conscious sedation, and hospital dentistry. Call us today to schedule an appointment and take the benefit of our
Dental care starts a few days after baby’s birth to ensure baby teeth erupt without damage from plaque. It’s possible for babies to get cavities just like anyone else, and is one of several issues many parents are concerned about.
We’re returning to our ever-popular dental 101 series that discusses key things you should know in relation to your daily dental routine. You’ve been to the dentist. You floss every day, and you brush at least twice a day, just as you have been told to do. You do everything right, yet you’re starting to see something from your gums that concerns you. Blood. Perhaps you ignore it. Maybe it seems like a passing thing, but bleeding gums are never normal, and it pays to give them immediate attention. So just what could it be that is causing your gums to bleed? Let’s take a look at some of the most common culprits.
It’s important to teach your kids the value of oral hygiene at an early age, but getting to those dental care appointments isn’t always convenient. For residents in Charlotte, NC, finding a pediatric dentist just got a little easier. Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry, a practice dedicated to helping kids, just opened another office! This new practice will serve patients in Gastonia and is a welcome addition to CPD’s three other locations in Midtown, Davidson and University.
Introduction: Baby bottle tooth decay, also known as early childhood carries, is often used to refer to tooth decay in young children. Even though primary teeth are only temporary, it is important to take care of it because children needs healthy and strong primary teeth to help them speak and chew their food. While there are many factors that can contribute to tooth decay in young children, the main factor is taking a bottle with sweetened liquid in it to bed. When a child takes sweet liquids such as milk, formula, or fruit juice to bed, the sugar in the liquid clings to the teeth for a very long time and bacteria in the mouth will feed on the sugar creating acid that attacks the teeth. To avoid baby bottle tooth decay, parents should avoid putting children to bed with juice, soft drinks, or even liquids with natural sugar such as milk and formula.
Your toddler’s baby teeth serve as the formative building blocks for their more permanent teeth. These teeth create a solid foundation that helps to guide their future teeth. Demineralization can cause this foundation to weaken. When the foundation weakens, this can result in early tooth loss and may cause their more permanent teeth to grow in crooked. These issues can cause a number of difficulties for your child’s dental health later on down the line. Therefore, it is important to protect your toddler’s teeth from demineralization. Fortunately, there are a few tips that you can use to do this.
If you are living with missing teeth, seeking treatment as soon as possible can help prevent further damage to your smile. Dental implants are the gold standard of restorative treatments due to their durability and longevity, and their ability to completely restore oral function. If you are considering dental implants, come see our qualified dental implant provider. Dr. Harry Albers. Dr. Albers is dedicated to treating those with missing teeth improve their oral health and the aesthetics of their smiles. Using the latest technology and techniques to expertly place your implants, our Santa Rosa dentist can give you a beautiful, healthy smile you’ll love for years to come.
The acts of chewing alone can have to improve the painful symptoms of teething. Having the baby suck on a bottle or pacifier sometimes is helpful, but these items may too soft to actually help the child cut a tooth.
Dental sealants are used to fill pits and fissures on the occlusal, or chewing, surfaces of the premolars and molars to help protect them from carious lesions and tooth decay (“Dental Sealants”, 2016). Posterior teeth that are selected for placement of sealants are either newly erupted, when occlusal surface is deep and irregular, and have a history of dental caries (Wilkins, 621). So it is very important, especially for children, to get sealants placed as soon as their molars erupt in order to lower their risk for childhood caries. However, there are many factors that have caused children to be withheld from radiographic screenings and treatment; one major factor is parents not being able to afford the treatment. But, one thing that has helped many children get sealants placed is a school sealant programs; funded by the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC has supported for the placement of sealants along with other oral health care activities in many states, including South Carolina. In South Carolina, school sealants programs have been helping save high caries risk teeth since
Another dental problem kids with braces can experience is plaque. Plaque is the clear sticky film formed inside the mouth. Plaque is caused by bacteria. Neglecting this dental problem can cause serious problems such as tooth decay. Luckily, making use of mouth wash can prevent such problem. This is possible since mouthwash has anti-bacterial substance that can eliminate bacteria easily.
Getting a root canal make sense as an adult when you are trying to save an adult tooth, but what happens when a root canal is needed for a baby tooth? If believe a root canal isn’t necessary for a baby tooth then you may not know everything about the procedure. Here is what you need to know about root canals and baby teeth.
Enamel is important as it protects your teeth against things like acids and plaque. It also protects your teeth from having a sensitive reaction from foods and rinks that are hot or cold.
Missing teeth is an embarrassing problem that affects millions of people. Not only is this problem embarrassing, but it can also negatively affect a person's life in many ways. For example, many people who have missing teeth also have problems eating or enunciating words correctly. Furthermore, missing teeth can cause the remaining teeth to shift and the jaw to sag.
Teething is a typical part of a child's healthy growing. Getting teeth can cause agony and inconvenience, which can be unpleasant for your infant. There is an assortment of approaches to mitigate torment caused by getting teeth. You can utilize an assortment of home cures or look for outside medicinal care. Did you realize that a few children are really conceived with teeth as of now developed? What a sight! Be that as it may, for most infants, getting teeth happens at some point in the main year, regularly almost 6 months. It's no joke, either. Getting teeth torment can transform even the most casual infant into a chaotic situation.
I believe in change: the loss of something and the act of letting go to be replaced by something greater. In our childhood years, we all experience the loss of our baby teeth. Some of us may have visited the dentist to have it removed. The thought of having something as small as our teeth be something significant in our lives was the beginning of childhood. When the baby tooth loosens, we become excited, almost erratic, in the idea that the tooth fairy would come in the night to leave us a gift. But the tooth fairy won’t always be there, especially when you experience change and loss in a larger sense.