
Baby Boomers Thesis

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Sex, Drugs, and Happiness: The Legacy of the Baby Boomers
The baby boom delivered a new generation that would essentially sculpt the United States in the decades to come. The hippie movement and its opponents not only impacted their generation, but every birth cohort that has followed. The baby boomers are primarily known for the rebellious attitude of a small clique of the cohort, the hippies. This group of people had the impacts of war thrusted upon them in childhood, were exposed to drugs and sex as teens, and still manages to be considered one of the most influential generations. The first aspect of the boomers was their childhood.
The Greatest generation, the parents of the baby boomers, are known as the ones who rebuilt America after …show more content…

“The cohort born during the post-World War II baby boom in the United States, referred to as the baby boomers, has been driving change in the age structure of the U.S. population since their birth” (Colby, Ortman 1). The children of the legendary baby boom are no exception. Members of this confused cohort have effected the world as we know it through their adventures in not only love and drugs, but also through their struggles with societal expectations. Segregation and sexism were still alive for the baby boomers. “Everything that I’ve gone through informs me and my opinions in a way, I guess because I am a child of segregation. I lived through it. I lived in it. I was of it” (Samuel L. Jackson). Women and men compete on equal plains although men have an upper hand in the world. Baby boomers as a generation have focused on change, whether it be through the peace movement or film. Being passionate about your beliefs can get you labeled but it is essential to changing the way society thinks. These icons of the boom have made America what it is. The survivors of a country after war and depression have left a softer, more in touch footprint on American

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