
Baby Boomers Book Report

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The search for information on a vast generation known as “baby boomers,” was quick and easy. The History Channel, once again provided attractive information such as text and audio clips. Nine months following the end of World War II, a new type of generation kicked off. Prior to this generation the population increased linearly, but now it was growing at an exponential rate. This large generation was praised for preventing recessions but may possibly cause problems in social welfare in the future. The statistics and story on the generation of baby boomers is provided by both the website and on page 807 of America: A Concise History. People were getting married younger, and part of their civic duties was to repopulate like they were saving …show more content…

“Baby boomers” made up approximately 40% of the U.S. population in 1964. Additionally, only 8% of women choose not to have children compared to the 15% just 10 years prior. Lastly, the book mentions a rise in children, but the website gives the number of a 20% increase in children between the year 1946 and 1945. While unimportant, another interesting fact during that time period is that Time magazine designated in 1966, that everyone under the age of 25 would be “Persons of the Year. Lastly, the baby boomers held very different cultural values compared their parents. Many think of the boomer generation as hippies and rebels. However, this generation was even more split than their parent’s generation. A larger percentage of the boomer generation was in favor of the Vietnam War compared to their parents. This interesting fact is important because this is still evident in today’s society. Betty Friedan was the most interesting person found on the website. While mentioned in America: A Concise History, her influence on the rebirth of the feminist movement never dulls. In her book, “The Feminine Mystique,” Friedan describes the difficulties of women in the suburbs. She inspired women to desire for a more fulfilling

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