An axolotl and puffin are very different animals. The puffin is in the aves (Bird) Class, and the axolotl is in the Amphibia (Amphibian) Class. This also means that the axolotl lives primarily in the water, but the puffin only goes into the water to catch food. A puffin lives on land, but the axolotl eventually lives entirely in the water. The axolotl breathes through its gills underwater, but the puffin breathes through its beak. Puffins only lay one egg per breeding season, but an axolotl can lay up to 1,000 eggs per mating. Axolotls can regenerate and regrow any missing limbs, but once a Puffin loses a limb or gets injured, the limb will not recover and it takes a little longer for the injury to recover. The axolotl lives in high altitude …show more content…
Both the puffin and axolotl are colourful, have a distinctive featurette on their head (Axolotl has its colourful and feather-like gills, the Puffin has its brightly coloured horn-like beak), have special modifications to help the animal travel faster and more efficiently, they both eat small fish, and are commonly hunted and eaten by predators and humans. The population of both animals is distinctively decreasing, they both can live on land and swim in water, both reach the age of 15 and range up to 25 years old (the puffin can be older than an axolotls average age, but the age is close to one another), and are extremely adorable. There are not as many similarities as differences, but there are at least some. The axolotl and puffin may not be that similar, but using these animals as examples can show us that how the classification method works and why we use it. We have found some similarities but more differences, and this shows why the axolotl and puffin are not related through classification. Classification is used in our everyday lives, and without the method that Carl Linnaean invented (Wikipedia, 2015), which changed the way that we categorize organisms, a lot of scientific discoveries would not have been discovered, and our everyday lives would be a lot more
It’s an alligator! It’s a crocodile! It’s a lizard! It’s.. a fish? All educated guesses even preschoolers can notice. The discovery of Tiktaalik has given many scientists something to think about. The first being that humans may after all be closely related to fish. When first hearing this theory, for anyone it is hard to believe. Humans have fingers and fishes have fins! They have gills and we have lungs! Many things point towards the fact that humans have nothing in common with fish until one looks at the bone structure of each and how exceptionally similar they are. The reason for the similarity is because both species share a common ancestor.
Chapter 2 of Anthem and The Matrix are very similar but has a lot of differences as well. For example, in chapter 2 of Anthem Equality 7-2521 did not follow the rules because they/he was not suppose to acknowledge women and vice versa. That was actually considered a sin. In Matrix, Neo (not sure if that's the correct name) followed instructions throughout all the scenes that we got to see. Even though it was a part where he decided that he wasn't going to follow someone's rules, he is still being instructed to do certain things and make some difficult decisions. For example, he having to decide whether he would take the blue pill or red pill. Also in Matrix they make their own decisions, think on their own and be themselves but in Anthem they
First, this mainly due to the fact that O’ahu tree snails have unique colorful shells, and as a result, many people are removing these snails and using them for scientific studies or cases (Kay and Hadfield, 1972). In other words, the snails are being taken away from their natural habitat and kept in laboratories for scientific studies. However, most humans are not aware that they are disturbing their environment and having a negative impact on the overall population of Achatinella mustelina. Moreover, many shell collectors and nature enthusiast in the late 1800s and early 1900s collected these Achatinella mustelina because of their colorful, flamboyant and patterned shells which in return negatively impacted the number of these specimen (Hadfield 1986, Hadfield et al. 1993). For this, shell collectors and nature fanatics have to be aware and appreciative of the impact and effect that wildlife animals have on the environment as well as the ecosystem as a whole. In other words, when human forces disturb a species habitat or environment, they are negatively impacting the ecosystem thus increasing the extinction rate of endangered
Carl Linnaeus stated in his book, Systema Naturae, that “for if the name be lost, the knowledge of the object is lost also.” How would we be talking about evolution if the hundreds of evolutionary theories were not classified or categorized under evolution? As professor Hothem explained in lecture, if we don’t have “name” then, we can’t talk about it. Therefore, classification is important in order to enable interpretation and define what we know. However, if classification is exercised uncritically, it brings stereotypes into our society such as role of women vs. men. The reading “Shooting Down Man the Hunter” by Rebecca Solnit explains how the society classified women as dependent, idle, and taker for a long time. The author describes that
The Mexican Axolotl is a strange and rare animal. It is a small, fish-looking creature with legs and
6) Explain how a species place in the Linnaeun Classification system can be used to determine its evolutionary relationship to other species? Use the species of the order Pilosa to illustrate your explanation. The classification of species in this order can be found at Go to this website, on the right side click on the link “see all” right of “Classification”, find the IUCN Red List classification and click on “view in classification”.
Humans and fish are not closely related on the outside appearance. Most people would not see how we can share the same features with fish, but scientists do know that these two species share homologous features. Homologous is being in similar structures, and having similar genes indicate species are from a common ancestor, but does not have indicated that these features will work exactly the same. Humans and fish are related in the lineage of chordate because human shared homologous features to fish. Homologous features shared by human and fish enlighten the evolutionary pathway from the earliest vertebrate by sharing similar structures of the hands and fins, the development of teeth that diversified into features that showed up from the
There are many differences present between species in the animal kingdom. There are also many variations of breeds, mutations within the same species, behavior, etc. Neil Shubin’s “Your Inner Fish” focuses on the similarities rather than differences of behaviors, variation in animal psychology, and morphology because of habitat. This book emphasizes three types of evidence. The first are the similarities between body parts of living creatures to compare common ancestry. The second are the indications from microbiology to also compare common ancestry. Finally, the details provided of the “missing link” between amphibians and fish.
Bravery is not inherent, it is rather acquired from the circumstances or situation faced in the life. People face lot of problems in their lives and to cope with those situations and move in with one's life is the sheer example of being brave. The same has been depicted by both the authors in their respective books. First by Kaye Gibbons in her very famous book "Ellen Foster" where in the protagonist is shown as homeless girl with no one to take care of, yet she finds a way to live her life and find herself a house worth living. Second, by Mark twain in his
When scientists compare embryo similarities we discovered that humans embryos and animal embryos are almost exactly alike. We go through the first two stages as the same embryos as the animals but when go to the third stage we start to differentiate and grown into the animal or human. Scientists also look at similar DNA structure that gives us evidence that evolution occurred and shows us what similar ancestors we have. When we look at analogous structures we see that the structure is not common and is not evidence of evolution but when we look at homologous structures we see that there is evidence that evolution occurred. For example cats and humans have the same arm bone structure. When scientists looked at homologous molecules they see the alike DNA
Culture is defined by a construction of one's world-view, and it is transmitted by individuals and collectives through socialization and enculturation (Pederson & Ivey, 13). It contains values, beliefs, language, and perception. In studying cultural differences among members of distinct national, ethnic groups researcher have examined the concept of collectivism and individualism. People form individualistic cultures tend to view themselves as unique entities and independent form one another (Coon & Kemmelmeier, 348)
In today’s society the majority of the crimes are still being committed by people who have possessed a firearm that has been obtained illegally or without proper permits. That being said there has been a strong push for gun control because of the rise of shootings involving a large group of people such as the Columbine massacre, Virginia Tech shooting and latest Aurora movie theater shooting involving people who have purchased firearms legally. Gun control laws in the United States have been established for many years but to maintain a civilized society with limited crime stronger control laws need to be enforced in which will help reduce crime in our country. Establishing stronger gun control laws will educate
Compare and Contrast essays are learning-process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information.
Growing up, there are countless young boys, who have the dream of someday being a professional football or baseball player. Going outside and letting the imagination of being on the big stage and making the final pitch to win the World Series or the final Hail Mary throw to win the Super bowl. As a young kid, the dream of one day being the best and be paid to play a sport they grew up loving and playing. Although the sports of football and baseball are both very popular, there are a substantial amount of differences between
They also had differences. The adapids happened to be huge, with a 1kg body mass. They had small orbits, implying diurnal lifestyles. These species ate fruits and leaves because