Avoiding scholarship or grant scams can be as simple as the student makes it. The internet is a powerful tool for business, so students can't just avoid it because of a few crooks or conmen even if they do seem like they're behind every pop-up window and banner ad. When looking for scholarship or grants it is difficult to avoid scams so students need to avoid applications that require fees and personal identification numbers. It's not that hard, students just have to look out for the warning signs. They must keep in mind that these warning signs, of course, are only for a handful of the frauds and scams out there. Conmen are good at what they do, trying to separate students and consumers from their money. Most of these warning signs …show more content…
Students only usually need to hand out some of this information when they have received the scholarship or grant. This is only because most scholarships are taxable because they look at it as a source of income, but when they go file for taxes they can more than likely get it written off for educational purposes. There are a few other simple warning signs that students and consumer must keep in mind. For example if the organization sounds like a non-profit but has no traceable history. This means that the organization sounds like its not getting a profit but probably is . Also consumers or students cant check it out and see because they have no traceable history. Basically like the site or organization doesn’t really exist they just want them to feed them personal information so they can take their money. If the organization claims it will handle all their scholarship applications for them this should be a warning. Never trust anything that seems too good to be true. All in all, scams are easy to avoid. Now that the warning signs are out there, avoiding scams and conmen should be easier. Just remember the golden rule, mentioned previously in the essay, if they have to pay money to get money, then it is more than likely a scam. There are many frauds and conmen out there looking for a quick way to make fast cash. Also, never give out personal information. A consumers identity could easily be taken because of poor judgment of
According to IRS Code, Sec. 117- “Gross income does not include any amount received as a qualified scholarship by an individual who is a candidate for a degree at an educational
Living in this life you come along many difficult decisions but when money hungry people have to make decisions they focus on money. The argument about if it is ethical to targeting uninformed consumers is a good topic because it always happens to the suckers who don’t pay attention to scammers
Since my family came to United Sates as refugee my parents have no education background but hard worker believe that all their children will have better education in USA..Therefore, my parents does not have any financial to support for my future education. I will be the first generation who will go to college in my family. So, I believe this scholarship will help my dream to fulfill and able to go to
My father is going to retire in some years and my mother is a house wife. They both have invested in their house heavily therefore these reasons might affect my family’s ability to fund my college tuition.
Each college and university that the student applies too will have the student fill out and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine what type of federal student aid the student qualifies for. Colleges and universities will also use FAFSA to determine if the student qualifies for nonfederal aid and state-level grants and scholarships. A majority of lower and middle class income families are not aware of the many scholarships, grants and academic- related awards that are granted because of associations, religious organization and foundations that target the students demographic or affiliations. There are many resources in your public library to help you find information about applying for scholarships that are available each year for college students as well as online resources like the website
With today’s changing world and the economy the way it is, it is not uncommon for people of all ages to enter the college setting. In fact, two-thirds of students entering the college setting are classified non-traditional (Brown, 2007). Bill (2003) found that there was an 11% increase of non-traditional student enrollment from 1991-1998 displaying 35% in 91 and 46% in 1998. These numbers have since increased according to Jacobson & Harris (2008) showing that half to 75% of undergraduates consist of the non-traditional student sitting the reasons for reentering the college setting to be economic. What exactly defines a non-traditional student and what services may they need in comparison to the traditional student.
While you grow up through school, you hear over and over that college is a must if you want to land a good job as an adult. That seems reasonable, I have to get a higher education to get a job with more money and potential. Then comes junior year and you go to look at schools and you see the price of tuition. Everything changes, college isn’t just a dream anymore it's a burden.
Every webpage is informative, whether its statistics, their presence in the news, or the several ways on how you can be involved. But it does not really stand out or differ from other charitable organizations. The website also doesn’t provide statements from families whom they’ve helped. Donors want to see that they’ve made a difference in someone’s life. A “thank you” video clip or photo of an assisted family or school group would probably have satisfied this issue and made this organization more desirable to participate in. It provides enough evidence for credibility from their existence in the news and links to their financial statements. It seems like a legit charitable organization with a good purpose but they also provide similar ethos as displayed in other websites, which in effect doesn’t necessarily derive an appeal to join this particular organization.
Being the fastest growing crime of today, it is estimated that every 79 seconds an identity is stolen (Consumer Reports 13). Empty promises made by solicitors in spam e-mail offer a free gift in exchange for personal information. These solicitors have no intention of sending any free gifts, but their scams help them obtain the private information desired. If enough information is given, criminals are able to apply for credit cards, apply for a fraudulent loan under the victim’s name, and make illegal withdrawals from random bank accounts. This is only one of the many ways a person’s identity could be stolen (O’Reilly).
Ever since I was a young kid I have always been interested in movies. My grandma, who was full of the wise the life experience left, always knew about my interest in movies. She feed my vain for the art. Even though her religion, she professed Adventist of seven-day religion, didn't let her go to the cinema, she always found the way to took me to the cinema. She and I enjoyed watch movies. We used to sit in the darkness room, with our faces illuminated from the reflection of the light which rebooted from the screen, both absorbs in the plot of the movie which made us laughed or cried. After the movie, while we went back to her home, she started to talk about the movie. She had a particular point of view where the main story
The words “free college tuition” spark interest in any college student with accumulating debt. In fact, this topic is so incredibly supported that Bernie Sanders implemented it as a core interest in his 2016 campaign. Once Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee, she decided to take it on herself with an extensive plan that guaranteed students free tuition. Unsurprisingly, free tuition resonates extremely well within the student demographic. To forty million Americans, free tuition eliminates the largest problem for students: debt (Hess, 2017). However, free college tuition generates the inverse of what these low-income and middle-income students believe. In fact, free college cripples them from multiple perspectives; students will end up spending more financially, will be less likely to graduate with a degree, and will be subjected to more inequality and less exposure.
Within the federal government’s budget education is among the most important yet in the year of 2012 the federal government only spent $107.6 billion out of 3.7 trillion which amounts to 3% on education. Compared to other funding categories in the government’s fiscal year of 2012's budget it's clear to see that education isn’t as important to the government officials as they would like us to believe. Many Americans today are lead to believe that education is important to government officials and it receives an adequate amount of funding because they don't know how much funding is put into the other categories of the budget. The funding put into education in the year 2012 is only 1/8 of social security spending and 1/5 of Medicare
Going to college has been a dream of mine growing up. I am the first ever in my family to go to college but figuring out how to pay for it has been a challenge. I desire to achieve my academic and career goals and this scholarship can help me succeed in my journey.
Over the years, college fees have gradually risen for high school graduates. It’s been said that most jobs with a college degree earn almost double of what a high school graduate would earn. Many people all over the country have been unable to go to college because of these high fees for education. Some people think that your future shouldn’t be controlled by the amount of money you pay. If these fees continue to increase, then no one will be able to attend college. Higher education for free will increase productivity within students because they can get a good job, college is now a prerequisite, and college worthy jobs have great salaries.
College, in our everyday world, is considered to be something that uplifts or elevates a person's opportunity in life and is widely regarded as a huge reward on completion. However, is taking away some of the risk in this achievement, the correct thing to do? Changing an integral part of American society, such as college, could have many life changing and societal negative effects and is overall not worth it. College should not be free the first two years due to a necessity to raise taxes to accommodate the "free college", academic and educational quality being hindered due to more teachers being needed, and apathy among students if college became risk free.