
How Do Dante And Virgil Enter The Fourth Circle

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In Inferno Canto VII, Dante and Virgil enter the fourth circle and are “greeted” by Plutus who guards the entrance to this circle. Plutus is denying them passage but Virgil shuts the creature down with some words. Dante yells when he notices a trench begin to form causing a ring in that circle. Inside that ring there are two groups of people. They are pushing heaving weights along, indignantly and in agony. The two groups crash into each other halfway through the circle then turn around and walk the opposite direction. These souls are condemned to an eternal jousting match.
Virgil explains to Dante that these souls are the Avarices and the Prodigals that during their time on Earth hoarded and recklessly wasted their money. Dante’s curiosity begins to ask if he knows any of the souls in the fourth circle. Virgil explains to him that the Avaricious are the corrupt clergymen, popes, and cardinals. Because of the torture they have received, their faces and identities have become unrecognizable. Virgil points out to Dante that the Avaricious and Prodigals share one common factor; they were both reckless with the goods of Fortune. They continue their walk to the Styx.
In Purgatorio Cantos XIX-XXII, Dante and Virgil are making their way through the terraces of the purgatory. It starts off with Dante having a dream about a woman. Dante describes her as having crossed eyes, crooked feet, crippled hands, pale, and she stutters when she speaks. Realizing that he can control his own dream, Dante decides to make her into his fantasy lady. He “loosens” her tongue, fixes her limbs so she can stand straight and adds color to her complexion. It runs out he has created a Siren. She begins to sing about the things she has done in her lifetime including seducing men to their death like she did with Ulysses. Before she can finish her dreadful song, another woman appears. She is alert and saintly. Her appearance causes the Siren to stop her song mid-track. This new woman asks Virgil the identity of the Siren so Virgil shows up in the dream and rips off the Siren’s clothes. It turns out that her beauty was just on her face because the Siren emits a rotten smell from her stomach causing Dante to regret his attraction for this

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