
Autonomy Is Lack Of Making Your Own Decisions: Case Study

Decent Essays

Autonomy is Lack of Making Your Own Decisions

Having lack of autonomy at a job can also have an effect on your schooling right alone with your childcare, and also your relationships. When unable to control your own hours at a job can put a big strain on your schooling. Take Ms. Navarro for an example, she was just a few credits shy of an associate degree in business and talked of getting a master’s degree. She also was three classes away from being able to transfer and take advantage of the tuition offer. Navarro’s degree was on indefinite pause because her shifting hours left her unable to commit to classes. She knew that school was going to get her a better job but felt she needed to work all that she possibly could. I can sympathy with …show more content…

Ms. Navarro’s had to work any time the store needed her and because of the lack of these important aspects put Ms. Navarro’s childcare in an all-time hardship had to move her mother in to keep her job. There was no support from Gavin’s father after he disappeared also put her at a disadvantage where she barely had a support system. Ms. Rivera helped out a grave deal but because the early mornings and late days had gotten harder to keep up with the unpredictable schedule Ms. Navarro had. Daycare policies are pretty strike on what time you should pick up and drop, to how many hours a day they are allowed to keep a child. My experience with childcare had hit me hard from trying to find someone to help me with my boys brings me back to before my mother passed away she had my boys more than I had them because I went to school during the day then worked all the way to five in the am, only a few hours before it was time for my boys to get ready for school. After my mother past I had to find someone to care for my boys and work around their schedule. I was afraid that I would loss my job because of the not have a stable schedule let alone stable pay. Not having control over my hours and the times put me at a stand point of being lost in the dark with other options on only working at a job that’s in the day time during schooling hours for my boys and if they got sick well then it was a whole other ball

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