
Autonomy Ethical Principle In Healthcare

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I chose to look at the above scenario using the Autonomy ethical principle. Autonomy principle says, “you should have the ability to act independently and make decisions for yourself” (Warnock, 2017). Using this approach If a patient has an advanced directive you would follow it because it is the patient’s chose written down in advanced. However, using this principle may violate some social laws or morals. Because, brain dead is the same thing as being dead, the person should be removed from life support (Baillie, McGeehan, Garrett, & Garrett. 2012, p. 260). The conflict arises when the patient’s advanced directive or family insist on continuing life support, despite the patient’s brain dead status. At which point you must consider if it is right provide a dead body with limited resources a living person could have used. I chose this theory because it seems the best policy in most situations. However, in the real world I would use a combination of the principles so I can look at the situations from all points of view. Life is not cut and dry and nether is every situation or circumstance. Which of the five principles is the most widely used and accepted in the …show more content…

5-6). This is because “American culture itself, see attacks on freedom of choice and freedom from unnecessary restrictions as attacks on human dignity and so as prima facie, or presumptively, evil. That is, such attacks are seen intuitively to be wrong, unless the opposite can be clearly established” (Baillie, et al, 2012, p.11). Basically, the US putts such significances on the individual and their inherent rights that our declaration of independence is based on it. Our society is designed to ensure everyone is afforded their rights. Autonomy falls in line with the overall beliefs of the American

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