
Autobots Attempts To Stop Decepticons

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The movie Transformers is about Autobots trying to stop Decepticons. Autobots and Decepticons are forms of Transformers that have been fighting for years. Scenes from the movie are spectacular. Certain scenes from the movie are very great such as when Optimus fights the T-Rex, when Cade Yeager finds Optimus Prime and gets his house raided by Special Agent Savoy, and when the Autobots ended the battle with the Decepticons. Autobots are normally the good transformers and Decepticons are usually the bad guys.

From the time Cade Yeager finds Optimus Prime, Cade knew Optimus was a transformer. At the time the U.S government had award money for anyone who spotted or found a transformer. The government was giving award because the Transformers had previously started a war on U.S soil and the government now wanted them gone. So Cade insisted to his friend Lucas to not tell anyone about Optimus being hidden in his warehouse. So the next couple days past and Optimus and Cade grew to kind of know each other. As Cade’s daughter was just getting home, a swarm of police vehicles and helicopters emerged on to Cade Yeager’s property. The man in charge (SA Savoy) wanted to know where Optimus was and Cade was insisting that Optimus was not here. SA Savoy was destined to figure out the truth. To get the truth, he resulted to drastic …show more content…

The Autobots did not really start winning until Optimus Prime got there with the T-Rex dinosaur and its huge transformers friends. Seeing Optimus gave Autobots hope and then they started to fight back stronger. Cade Yeager had found himself a human size transformer gun and decided to help the Autobots try to win the war. The Autobots did eventually win the war. As Optimus and the others celebrated, they all acknowledged that there was another battle ahead. They acknowledged this because a Decepticon by the name of Megatron got

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