
Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet

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One in every hundred people has autism. This means that a big percentage of people in the world have autism. Autism is a disorder that causes social impairment, difficulty in communication, and difficulty taking an interest in activities, I will be researching how these and other aspects affect an autistic person’s life. Being autistic makes it very difficult to socialize and it makes it hard to be socially accepted especially when someone is told they’re different. When someone is told they’re different, they actually start treating themselves differently and pulling themselves away from society and start believing that no one will ever want to be around them because they’re a little different.

Autistic people have a harder time socializing …show more content…

N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2016.

It’s a popular belief that autism is a biological development disorder in the brain. Meaning that the brain misfires and doesn’t develop the same way as most brains do. Which is supposedly cause by genetic mutations which evidently happen during development. It is possible that these genetic mutations come from early exposure to mercury. Which is in shots some children receive at very young ages. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 01 May 2016.

There are certain things animals can do for people that people can’t do for each other. Pet therapy is one of the many ways use to help anyone with a physical or mental disability. Currently, no medications can cure all autistic symptoms. However, there are medications that can help autistic people live more comfortably. Such medications are ones that help with aggression or self-injury. "Medication Treatment." Medication Treatment. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 03 May …show more content…

""Sounding The Alarm" Documentary." YouTube. YouTube, 2015. Web. 03 May 2016.

It’s harder to interact with people not only because you find it hard but also because you’re different and people don’t like different. It’s harder to become socially acceptable. People treat autistic people differently than they would treat people without autism. They tend to do this because they view it as ‘not normal’. When someone’s told they’re different, they start viewing themselves differently.

Having Autism makes it hard to socialize, and it makes it hard to be socially accepted, especially when someone is told they’re different. When someone is told they’re different, they start treating themselves differently, they pull themselves away from society, believing that no one will ever accept them because they’re a little different. When the symptoms first start appearing they cause a noticeable difference and a change in the mindset of the person who has it, which leads to causes, some scientists say that the brain development disorder comes from the mercury in the shots some kids receive as small children. When the symptoms start showing up family starts worrying and when they find out that their child/sibling has autism they can become emotionally distraught. One in ever hundred people has autism. That means that a being percentage of the world needs our help, our friendship, and our acceptance of the beautiful unique people that

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