
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Decent Essays

Defining and understanding autism is not only difficult for ordinary people, it is very much a work in progress for the medical community, since research still has a long way to go. Autism itself is a wide umbrella term that encompasses vastly different combinations of symptoms, from mild to severe, which why it is more accurately called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

According to Dr. Haitham El Bashir, senior consultant and head of children rehabilitation at the Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar, “Autism is a disorder directly associated with impaired social interaction and communication skills." He added that signs of the disorder are usually evident early in a child's development, before age three, and that parents with concerns should …show more content…

When autism is diagnosed and treated early, this can often be improved dramatically, as well as many other social skills, even if they don't initially come naturally to the child. Desire for physical contact might also be different. Some children don't even like cuddling or physical contact outside of their own family members, or maybe not at all, especially when they don't expect it, and they are not emotionally ready.

This may be because of sensory integration issues, which also affects how they react to sudden loud noises and smells, as well as variations in lighting or temperature. Changes of any kind can be a challenge and lead to dramatic emotional melt-downs, especially when there is not adequate preparation before a transition.

Practice and and a clear plan beforehand is the best way to try to avoid these kinds of problems, but individuals with autism will still prefer predictability and routine. Sometimes this even breaks through in repetitive, ritual behavior, tics or stimming. Control over these kinds of behaviors will vary, as well as how and when they …show more content…

For example Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism at the age of two and did not speak at all until she was four. Grandin has become not only a advocate for people under the spectrum, but for the fair treatment of animals by inventing better and kinder animal handeling devices that use behavioral principals ( 2015).

You might even be surprised by some famous entertainers that have autism. Children might be excited to know that Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon, has Asperger syndrome, as well. Daryl Hannah has starred in dozens of famous films, including "Wall Street," "Grumpy Old Men," and the "Kill Bill" and is diagnosed under the spectrum. As is Dan Aykroyd of "Blues Brothers" and "Ghost Busters" fame ( 2015).

It has been postulated that many inventors and figures in history story may have had autism as well, but remained undiagnosed during their lifetimes due to more primitive medical care, such as Albert Einstein,
Amadeus Mozart, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Thomas Jefferson and Michelangelo ( 2015). All shared characteristics that are quite common to people on the autism spectrum. The definition of autism is may still be the subject of debate but the contribution of such people cannot be

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