
Authority And Literary Cannons In Homer's Iliad

Decent Essays

Authority has two different meanings in literature. First of all, power to enforce obedience, and power of influence action, opinion, belief. The cannon refers to religious and sacred texts. Literary cannon refers to a classification of literature. It is a term used widely to refer to a group of literary works that are considered the most important of a certain time period or place. For example, Homer is the famous Greek classics, Iliad and Odyssey bible cannon. Finally, this essay talks about Features of authoritative/ canonical works literary cannon and some literary works with themes of authority have inspired many authors who attempt in remaking classical literature like (Michael Longley) inspired by Homer's Iliad in addition to a comparison and contrast between Longley's ‘Ceasefire’ and Homer's Iliad. …show more content…

Authority refers to power over others, second thing is power of opinion and power of influence like Homer's Iliad in his poem and Iliad was influenced by a Greek culture. Authority has features: old, influence many people and finally translated into many languages. Second, the term of cannon means. According to” wise GEEK” .cannon refers to an arrangement of is used for a group of literary works which are considered the most important in two aspects time and place. For example, there can be a canon that are collected of works from a certain country, or certain works written within a specific set of years, or a collection of works that were written during a certain time period and within a certain region. A literary canon establishes a collection of similar or related literary

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