
Authentire's Ability To Succeed In Life

Decent Essays

“To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone” (McEntire). What McEntire means by this is that in order to succeed in life, you need luck, the ability to stand up for yourself, and a sense of humour. These things mentioned all serve an important purpose in how we live, not in a biological sense but a philosophical one. These are the things that keep us going. A wishbone gives us faith that if we just try again, our plan might work. A backbone keeps us from giving up on ourselves. And finally, a funny bone gives us the ability to look for the silver lining in a dark cloud. Some people may ask how you could apply this to your life. A better question would be when not to apply it. When is a bad time to have some luck, or some support with you? When would you not want to have a sense of humour on your side for when times get tough? …show more content…

The tradition of cracking wishbones was started by the Ancient Romans. They saw the wishbone as a symbol of luck, and this eventually evolved into breaking it apart. A wishbone is snapped apart by two people while they are both making their wish. The person holding the longer piece was said to have good fortune or a wish granted. If the bone cracked evenly in half, both people would have their wishes come true (Christine Gallary). As seen by Romans and most people today, the wishbone is a symbol of luck. To succeed in life, you require luck no matter the amount of talent you possess. However, luck is not the only requirement for

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