
Australian Immigration Policy Research Paper

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Globally, the process of migration is a complicated phenomenon involving huge numbers of people moving from one country to another in order to escape from unstable conditions and to seek better living conditions and opportunities . Recent political upheavals have increased the number of those people who are seeking asylum in far off areas from their own land . Since last two centuries, Australia has been shaped by immigrants. Immigration plays a key role in Australian population growth and economic development. The political trends have also impacted the country’s immigration policy, especially in the last decade. This paper discusses these political trends and the fluctuations the Australian immigration policy has witnessed in the last ten …show more content…

However, the White Immigration Policy officially ended with the implementation of racial discrimination act, opening up immigration for the whole globe. In the meanwhile, the post-war immigration policy of Australia played a central role in increasing its demographic statistics . Chinese Gold Rush also played an important part in changing the demographics and the policies of the Australian government . Since last fifty years, Australian immigration policy is formed in a way to prefer skilled labour to become part of Australia and thus plays a constructive role in economic development. Since the white immigration policy has halted, there has been a significant increase in the numbers of Asian immigrants, increasing ethnic and cultural diversity in Australia. Multiculturalism has often been criticized by the past opponents of immigration considering it a security threat and probable cause of future instability in the country. Some critics argue that the policy of open immigration to all countries may threaten Australian democracy as well. Irrespective of the controversy attached to the notion of multiculturalism, the Australian society has witnessed increased diversity and, the government programs working under multiculturalism are probably to increase. The highest number of immigrants is from United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, and …show more content…

Ethnocultural diversity is always appreciated by the policy makers of the country. The formal policy of multiculturalism was adopted three decades ago when the immigrant populations began to rise from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds after the official end of the white immigrant policy of Australia. The policy of multiculturalism is enrooted in two key points : First is the right to cultural identity which is to express and enjoy one’s own cultural, religious, ethnic customs freely. The second one is the objective to have the commitment to getting assimilated and absorbed in the Australian culture and become part of it. Here the analogy of “melting pot”, often used for American society, becomes much relevant. Melting pot analogy means that people emerging from different ethnicities, languages, races, religions, societies integrate into a single pot and become part of it. The years of 1986 and 1996 governed by Labour party showed greater expansion of programs under multiculturalism policy. This policy is enrooted in the idea which promotes diversity instead of uniformity. Australian public realizes the importance of diversity towards social development, thus, it has mostly encouraged such policies which are formed to increase diversity and assimilation of the newcomers. The multicultural policy demands the establishment of social justice in order to provide equal

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