
Australian Eagle Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

When Australian Eagle makes transition from old system to new one, the organization will deal with some problems in future. According to Bateman and Zeithaml, the affects on organization that are four major areas: strategy, technology, structure, and people. In Australian Eagle case, the strategy is that establishes a vision for the company’s future direction as well as implements the change and setting up new systems to support it. Thus, technological changes is also a part of strategy change, because it has to be integrated to the company's systems and is managed as well. Whereas, structure changes also happen in organization because of strategic changes, in this case, Australian Eagle decides to upgrade almost their system so structure change …show more content…

Fortunately, it has been established (Bateman and Zeithaml), some steps can help managers to overcome resistance changes in organization. One of demonstrated methods is communication and education. According to (Elving, 2005, cited in DiFonzo and Bordia, 1998; Lewis and Seibold, 1998; Schweiger and Denisi, 1991), “communication is vital to the effective implementation of organizational change”. Therefore, workforces should understand about processing change in company before organization announcing the changes through commercial reports, meeting or individual discussions. Then, employees will be became a part of overcome resistance by participating in activities during the period of organization change such as design and implementation. Another solution to against organization change is through assistance and encouragement. For example, during phases of change, employees will be ensured that they will be provided the resources help them make the change. Besides that, (Managing Change and Transition) the managers also support employee’s efforts and listen to their troubles as well as accept initial their

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