
Australian Corporation Law

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Directors are agents of the company that are selected to act in the best interest of the corporation. The duties of director’s under Australia’s Corporation Law will be discussed. The history, evolution and the future of director’s duties will be observed and discussed as well as the consequences they face if the law is infringed.
Companies hire directors to act on their behalf and manage the corporation based on their values and organisational culture. Directors are individuals who are appointed to act in the corporation’s best interest. They are given the responsibility to manage the company and also the authority to exercise power in order to run the organisation efficiently and effectively. There are some cases where shareholders may revoke …show more content…

The Corporations Law in Australia was heavily based on the British framework since their settlement in here in 1788. As time went by the Commonwealth Law was making it tougher and more expensive to do business within Australian states. A few changes happened after the Second World War and in 1990, New South Wales V Commonwealth took place and was pivotal to the decision to make a better framework. Under the Australian Corporations Law, Directors duties are similar with other jurisdictions. There are two major types of duties which have subclasses under them. These two duties are general law (Fiduciary) and statutory. Fiduciary duties under the Corporations Law include care and diligence, loyalty and good faith. These general law duties are enforced by the company or the liquidator if the company is closing down. These duties then lead on to statutory duties which elaborates on the general law duties which applies to directors. If broken, statutory duties are enforced by the Australian Securities and Investment …show more content…

A rescission is transaction that can be annulled after a director has breached their contract but is only applicable where the rights of innocent third parties will not be discriminatory. Equitable compensation is available where a breach of fiduciary duty results in a loss to the business and is applicable when the parties cannot be reinstated to the position before the breach occurred. The reimbursement would be in form of a judgement debt which is when a contract is made and governed in the state and is breached in the same state which makes it possible to enforce a debt retrieval plan after a breach has transpired. Damages for breach of duty is a substitute of equitable compensation where the enterprise is recompensed for the damages subsequent from a breach of duty. Reparation under corporations Law may necessitate the director to pay for the breach if found guilty at a civil or criminal hearing. The territorial limits that may affect the implementation of these remedies if the director is not Australian and the breach occurred outside

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