
Australian Boomerangs

Decent Essays

Australian Boomerangs
Science: Energy and Matter
Technology: Creative Communication
60 Minute Lesson
White paper (½ sheet per student)
1” Foam brushes (1 per student)
Leftover green and black acrylic paint
Paint palettes (2 per group)
Cups of water (1 per group)

Introduction (10 min)
Australian Boomerangs (40 min)
Clean Up & Wrap Up (10 min)
Make a working boomerang out of folded paper and decorate it in the dot-style of early Aboriginal art.
ISTE-S.6.b Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

NGSS 4-PS3-1 Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an object to the energy of the object.
Creativity and Innovation
Initiative and Self-Direction
Social and …show more content…

Either walk through the steps together or have students collaborate in groups. Make sure to test out the boomerangs before painting!

Tip: The boomerangs fly best when pinched by two fingers in the middle and flicked with the creased edge forward.

To paint the boomerangs, use the wooden end of the paintbrush to create an Aboriginal-esk dot pattern in green and black.

CLEAN UP AND WRAP UP (whole group discussion)

Rinse out brushes and paint palettes and lead a short wrap-up discussion:
What was it like painting in dots?
Did you design an abstract pattern, form a recognizable shape or tell a story?
How is the boomerang able to fly back? (Because of their special curved shape, the two wings of the boomerang spin and create unbalanced aerodynamic forces. This disproportionate “lift” on the boomerang causes its flight path to form an egg shape, returning it to the thrower. Also, see the STEM extension to go deeper into this question.)


Practice the traditional dot-style of boomerang art and make the shape of an animal on the boomerang.

To make a more sturdy boomerang, make one out of cardboard or experiment with different boomerang shapes. You will need scissors, cardboard, a pencil and a ruler.


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