
Australia Day Research Paper

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Australia day is a very controversial day, Australia day is a day where friends and families can come together and celebrate one of the greatest countries in the world, it is a day of celebration and a day of peace, well that’s what is supposed to mean anyway.

Australia day is meant to be for everyone, every race every and gender is supposed to love Australia day but only recently indigenous people fear the day of Australia day, they feel disfranchised about it and they feel no one knows the real historical significance of Australia. In 1788 the Europeans took over Australia, at first when the English came to this land they called it “Terra nullius “which translate to no man’s land. The aboriginals called the English their friends and they even danced together. But that didn’t last long, Elders of aboriginal’s tribes quote that today is “survival day or even invasion day”. Jack paten quotes at the 150th Australia day “On this day the white people are rejoicing, But we as aborigines have no reason to rejoice on Australia’s 150th birthday. Jack paten purpose of this speech was to enlighten the white people of Australia the frightful conditions the indigenous people had to live. …show more content…

On the 19 of April 1984 the Australian anthem was created by Peter Dodd’s McCormick and he quotes “with boundless plains to share”, but this was not the case in 1788 when the English came and massacred everyone that was not white. I think Australia day should be known for something else rather than being know for the Englishes arrival on the first fleet of British ships at Port Jackson Bay. Australia day should be known for something we overcome as a nation like for example legalizing gay

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