
Austen's Manipulation of the Reader's Emotions Towards Characters in Pride and Prejudice

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Austen's Manipulation of the Reader's Emotions Towards Characters in Pride and Prejudice

In her novels, Jane Austen employs the timelessly effective characterization agents of dialogue, action, and point of view to cleverly manipulate the reader’s emotions towards the characters.
Austen successfully creates heroins in a time that it was not social acceptable to think of women in a heroic role. She is so successful in applying these characterization techniques in her story lines that she molds a positive feeling towards strong females without the reader even realizing the influence the author’s agents have had, at the same time creating a very entertaining story. In Pride and Prejudice as well as Mansfield Park for example, Jane …show more content…

Bennet's and the blind, sheep like following of Kitty's. Her strength is also shown in her rejections of the proposals of Mr. Collins and Darcy. Unlike her mother, she does not base her choice of love on the financial security that they could give to her, and has the strength and willingness to reject them. This is a prime example of Austen’s social commentary.
She skillfully manipulates the reader into likeing this character, but she gives her features that in everyday life people would think negativly of. This is especially evident in her rejection of Darcy's initial proposal, when she displays a great deal of strength in her anger due to her belief that he has willfully prevented Jane and
Bingley's marriage and wronged Wickham by refusing to grant him the property that the old Mr. Darcy bestowed upon him. In both cases, the man is self-assured that his proposal will be accepted, and as a result Elizabeth's rejections are in proportion to the size of the blows that their egos receive. In Rosings, she does not let Lady
Catherine tyrannize her as "the mere satellites of money and rank, she thought she could witness without trepidation." The Lucases and
Collinses are submissive to Lady Catherine, with Maria being
"frightened almost out of her senses", and it is probable that society as a whole behaves

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