
Auschwitz Camp Narrative

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There’s always hope It was a normal day in Andrea’s neighborhood. She lived next to the Auschwitz camp. That day she noticed something was wrong because a lot of cars were coming in and out all day in the night she decides to look out the window carefully and she saw a lot of the Nazi soldiers taking a lot of people into that camp. After she heard the soldier screaming and yelling at those people, she saw when the soldier were hitting the men and when they were kill, she decide to go to sleep but she couldn’t sleep with those yelling and screaming of the people. Since that day the Auschwitz camp became the largest Nazi concentration camp. Days had passed and she keep seeing the Nazi mistreating the people and killing them, one day she decides to go to the backyard of her house and she saw a woman …show more content…

While they were talking in the camp it was time to go to sleep and they were calling the Jewish by number they call Drora number three times but she didn’t appear they search in every corner of the camp but they didn’t found her, one of the soldier went outside yelling her number “0315 where are you” they heard they were calling Drora they got close to the window and see the soldier with a gun looking for her. Andrea told Drora that she would help her but to do that she have to go back to the camp and that she had a plan to save her and help her find her aunt’s, Drora agree and they fool everyone. Andrea told the officer “ Hey I found this disgusting woman trying to escape from the back of the camp is she in your camp” the soldier apply “Yes, she belongs to this camp, thank you” “No problem” “and you are going to pay for trying to escape again” said the soldier to Drora, while she was been taking to the camp Aurora whisper to her “ I’m sorry, but don't worry I’ll find a way to help you get out of there, I

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