
Ausccwitz In The Boy Was The Striped Pajamas

Decent Essays

Hell on earth, Auschwitz
Throughout time you may hear of a this place a place where some of the most unspeakable events occurred, some argue Ausccwitz is the worst place ever, some may even refer to it as hell on earth. In the book The boy was the striped pajamas it gives us a glimpse of how the main character had to leave his home and go live right next to Auschwitz. Throughout the book we see and get to imagine how gruesome and horrible living conditions were at the camp during that time. Although I personally feel like everytime the holocaust is brought it is almost inevitable to not mention Auschwitz being that the camp did play a huge part in what they were trying to accomplish at the time. Having said that I claimed to believe that there really isn’t much that we don’t know about the camp, but while i’ve conducted some research in the past recent days i have came across some interesting facts that I did not know or have never heard of. One of the many things that I thought was interesting was that during the camp's existence, more people died in Auschwitz than in the British and American losses of WW2. About one in every six jews killed during the holocaust happened in Auschwitz. That comes out to a total of about 11 million people that died during the camps four and a half years of existence. The …show more content…

I mean it makes sense and all that there would be other people but then again it doesn’t, at least not in my eyes the way I see it I am trying to understand their motive, their reason but the more I try to think of one the more I end up with just one conclusion that they were mad and wanted to be superior and that probably meant killing and taking out whomever you felt was better than you. I believe this to be one of those subjects that you could bicker and argue about all day and night and then

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