
Augustus Caesar Imperialism

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Pericles, Augustus Caesar, and Emperor Constantine were all great influencers during their time. So once they were all deceased and were brought together in the afterlife, there were always great stories and discussions of their time on earth and all that was accomplished by not only them, but by their culture as a whole. One time, before their most notable argument, Augustus Caesar briefly stated that it was a “blessing and a curse to be associated with the Roman culture because even as the most important contributor to art and architecture in the Western world”, his time as an emperor was actually very stressful and long winded. That statement created an uproar amongst the men and they got into an unorganized debate. To settle the argument, …show more content…

His first argument was that the Roman culture brought art that was made for different types of people (patricians, plebes, etc). At that time, art was separated between popular and elite art. Elite art allowed the owners to display their wealth and taste to others. Popular art was the type that appealed to everyday folk, a clear depiction of what they were interested in. A grand example he used to describe this specific art is the Column base of Antoninus Pius and Faustina from the Imperial Roman period, used to learn different aspects of Roman culture. These types of bases were used to learn and highlight different aspects of Roman culture; they were a type of narrative. This separation between the arts helped people take pride in their status and distinction. The art widely used throughout Rome also touched on old and outdated media from previous cultures in order to expand upon it. The type of media included marble, painting, mosaic, gems and silver. He also mentioned that art from Constantine’s culture actually derived from popular Roman art. Caesar stated “My dynasty specifically, was fond of adapting classical elements into our art.” In the cultures’ paintings and sculptures, classical elements included idealized figures and shapes, and treating the subject of the art in a non-comparable and emotionally neutral manner. Roman funerary art on the other hand recorded the diverse experiences of the …show more content…

Constantine the Great was a solo emperor who fostered the growth of Christianity in the Roman empire. To begin with, art of the Christian world focused on stylization, stiffness, and the symbolic (conceptual imagery). There was no interest in the human form or emotions shown through naturalism and illusionism because the art’s main focus was that it had aspects of faith and spirituality. This was displayed through themes that correlated with the bible, like the death and resurrection of Christ. Constantine used the Early Christian wall fresco titled Catacomb of St. Peter and Marcellinus to touch base on themes and symbolism that Christian art resonated with. The catacombs overall design was painted as a cross, a prominent Christian symbol. The picture in the middle of the Good Shepherd and Jonah & the Whale were prefiguration, stories that foreshadow the Life of Christ himself. A lot of art, like the one Constantine mentioned above, were principal narratives of Christ in the new testament of the Bible. Christian architecture utilized spolia, which is the use of old architectural elements to build something new. To accompany the large scale Christian architecture, they adapted a new art form, called wall mosaics. There was a sudden interest in covering huge wall surfaces with images worthy of their monumental framework. These mosaics to this day are displayed on walls on Catholic churches throughout the United States and other countries as well. A

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