
Augustus As A Political Strategist : Augustus's Rise To Power

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Augustus is known by many for his successful rule over the Roman Empire and the extended periods of peace during his reign. However, little is known about his role as a political strategist that aided his rise to power. Augustus used various strategies to ensure his military strength yet still maintain favor with the people as discussed below. Augustus’ role as a political strategist is first seen when he initially gained access to the political hierarchy of Rome. His first act was to demand funds that had been allocated for war. He used these funds to raise an army against Mark Antony who was considered the greatest enemy by the Senate at the time (Everitt 7). Since Augustus had limited finances, he knew that one of the simplest ways to gain power was through acquiring wealth and another way was through acquiring a great army. With this move Augustus was able to kill two birds with one stone. His actions were not questioned since they seemed to be in line with the interests of Rome (Everitt 7). Augustus’ implementation of political strategy is also seen again after the defeat of Brutus and Cassius at Philippi. He was left with numerous soldiers ranging in the tens of thousands who he was afraid would ally with his enemies if not taken care of properly. He made the decision to displace the Roman populations so as to allow the soldiers room to settle (Everitt18). This brought him a lot criticism and dissatisfaction but as long as it guaranteed him military strength,

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