Mr. Lancaster, The firm of Anderson, Olds, and Watershed is pleased to receive your notification to proceed with the audit and look forward to working with you. From the Audit Committee meeting minutes, we understand that Apollo Shoes requires help with the yearly audit because the former CPA firm withdrew unexpectedly (University of Phoenix, n.d.). Anderson, Olds, and Watershed will conduct the audit and “prepare the state franchise tax returns as well as the federal tax returns” (University of Phoenix, n.d., p. 9). Because of Apollo’s previous work with Smith and Smith, Anderson, Olds, and Watershed is “required by auditing standards to communicate with” Smith and Smith (Arens, Elder, & Beasley, 2012, p. 212). Ms. Wardlaw …show more content…
al, 2012, p. 214). Therefore, a material misstatement may not be detected during the audit. In addition, the audit may not detect errors under the materiality level, whether resulting from error, fraud, or misappropriation of assets. Anderson, Olds, and Watershed may decline to express an opinion or issue a report if the firm is unable to complete the audit for any reason.
To conduct the audit, the firm must acquire sufficient understanding of the internal control processes to help determine the nature and timing of the audit. However, the audit is not designed to identify deficiencies in internal control or provide assurance. The firm will make the audit committee aware of any significant deficiencies that come to Anderson, Olds, and Watershed’s attention during the audit.
As discussed with Ms. Ramirez, Anderson, Olds, and Watershed will rely on Apollo Shoes to prepare schedules and analyses of various accounts. Timely completion of these items will help the audit move more quickly.
Anderson, Olds, and Watershed rely on Apollo Shoes management for the financial statements. In addition, Apollo Shoes management is responsible for internal control over financial reports, ensuring the company complies with applicable laws and regulations, providing all financial records and other related financial information to the firm, and providing a representation letter at the conclusion of the audit confirming management’s
Stage 2: Test of internal controls - By testing the effectiveness of the internal controls the auditor can determine the control risk that lies within the company. The audit team can perform tests of controls by making inquiries of appropriate client personnel, examining documents, records, and reports maintained by Smackey, observing control-related activities such as the one done for the inventory procedures for returned Best Boy Gourmet dog food, and re-perform the client procedures.
The following memo aims to outline the results of the audit of Apollo Shoes, give recommendations to improve the company’s operations, and provide justification for our qualified opinion.
I’ve attached a copy of Apollo’s organizational table. Please let me know what my staff or I can do to help the audit go smoothly for you. I will have Karina Ramirez, our Director of Internal Audit, contact you to provide you with any other information that you need.
Putnam and Jacobs LLP, to perform a financial statement audit for the year ended December 31,
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the SEC’s influence on auditing a private company and the essential activities involved in the initial planning of an audit. Next the discussion will delve into four stages of the audit and tasks performed by the auditors as well as internal control findings and various aspects of the audit.
We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Apollo Shoes, Inc. as of December 31, 2008, and the related statements of income, comprehensive income, shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for the year ended, and related notes to the financial statements. We have also audited management’s assessment, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, that Apollo Shoes, Inc. maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006, based on criteria established in
The entity in question did not receive an opinion from the audit firm this is because they are provided with few procedures, which do not suffice to provide assurance about the statements. (Fischer, et, al, 2012)Although the audit firm is supposed to come up with opinions concerning the financial position of the county, the G.A.S.B provides limited procedures for the audit firm to manipulate. (Ruppel,
Auditors should always evaluate the design and test the operating effectiveness of a company’s internal control. The key procedures of the evaluation of design are fulfilled by inquires, observations, and inspections. The same procedures can be used to test the operating effectiveness as well.
To begin the audit, a review of previous 2 years of financial statements, provided by current or previous auditors for any unusual business transactions relating to revenue.
Scoping and Evaluation Judgments in the Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting 12.1 EyeMax Corporation . . Evaluation of Audit Differences
We designed the Apollo Shoes audit case to introduce students to the entire audit process, from planning the engagement to drafting the final report. Students are asked to assume the role of a veteran of two-to-three “busy” seasons, “in-charging” for the first time. Communication between the students and client personnel and other firm members takes the form of e-mail messages from the engagement partner (Arnold Anderson), the engagement manager (Darlene Wardlaw), an intern (Bradley
Investing in a company has certainly changed over the years. Financial information is literally at one's fingertips via the internet. In today's fast paced corporate environment companies are under tremendous scrutiny to maintain their edge. The company I am evaluating is NIKE. This Financial analysis will consist of the following: Ratios from the Income Statement, Statement of Owner's Equity, and Balance Sheet. This information is designed to assist a potential investor.
Auditors measure the amounts of receivables on hand, how old the accounts are in the general ledger, and the amount of bad debts the company is estimating for non collectable accounts. Testing will also be done to ensure that money collected is posted to the correct receivables accounts; this test alerts auditors to any fraudulent accounting practices in Apollo Shoes such as embezzlement or theft. If a large number of the random sample contains several violations of GAAP or the company's accounting policy, a second sample will be tested to determine how pervasive the errors are in the accounting process for the sales and collection cycles. Upon completing the audit, a written assessment will be given to Apollo Shoes management with recommendations on correcting any accounting violations (Arens, Elder, & Beasley, 2006).
Team C analyzed the accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and inventory systems for Kudler Fine Foods. Kudler would now like to see a proposed audit schedule for these systems. The team will distinguish between the types of audits that may use for each process. The team will also recommend the most appropriate audit for each process and explain how to conduct the audits. Identifying events that may prevent reliance on auditing through the computer will also be presented to Kudler for review (Apollo Group, 2009).
Field Work Standard #2 : The auditor must obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity and its environment, including its internal control, to assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements whether due to error or fraud, and to design the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures (AICPA). Enron had no procedure for internal controls. Therefore, Anderson could not have sufficient understanding of the internal controls.