
Audit Committee Characteristics

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The second section focuses on the background of corporate governance provisions such as the Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) and Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) that aim to improve the effectiveness of audit committees. The composition of audit committees is heavily critiqued with an emphasis on independence, financial expertise and frequency of meetings. This paper will examine each of these characteristics in depth in section 3 and their effect on financial restatements. Furthermore, this literature review will show that if audit committees can exhibit these behaviors and attributes the risk of restatements and fraudulent financial reporting will be …show more content…

Audit Committee Independence

The primary responsibility of the audit committee is to serve as an independent and objective body to monitor a company’s financial reporting process and internal control system (BRC, 1999). In order to properly serve one’s role as an independent audit committee member, one must be free from all personal connections and/or material financial connections to the company or the company’s key executives (Persons, 2009, peer reviewed). A typical expectation of audit committee effectiveness is that independent audit committee members or directors would warrant a lower likelihood of financial restatements. This expectation is supported through prior investigation of empirical evidence (Abbott et al., 2000, peer reviewed; Beasley et al., 2000, peer reviewed). Specifically, Abbott et al (2004, peer reviewed) and Persons (2009, peer reviewed) both find a negative correlation between audit committee independence and the likelihood of financial reporting restatement. These studies support the idea that an independent audit committee contributes positively to the quality of financial reporting and effective monitoring of internal controls.

Scholars such as Abbott, Beasley and Persons, support the solution that the presence of non-independent inside directors on the board greatly increases the probability of accounting fraud. Monas (2003,

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