
Audience Analysis Examples

Decent Essays

Audience Analysis Paper Have you ever been sitting in a big crowd of people listening to a speaker and you look around and see that no one is paying attention or has any interest in what the person is talking about? That speaker probably wasn’t very good because they did not include the key part to public speaking in their speech which is analyzing the audience. “Effective public speaking requires that a speaker considers the various characteristics of the audience and utilize insights from that audience analysis during the development and presentation of the speech.” I will go into depth on what it means to analyze an audience and describe how I intend to include the factors of audience analysis into my cultural speech on Italian cultures …show more content…

Some examples of demographic characteristics are age, gender, cultural diversity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Make sure you know the general age group of the audience you will be speaking to so you aren’t talking to a group of young kids as if they are adults and vice versa. Whether you have an audience of both males and females, or just one or the other, make sure you are using good illustrations and examples to better fit the different gender groups and you aren’t using sexist language. It is essential that you are aware of your audience’s diverse backgrounds because one thing you say could easily offend someone’s race or ethnicity. Lastly, you must be very careful when referring to the topic of religion. Everyone has their own practices and beliefs which you need to be respectful of if you want your audience to respect you. “In the United States alone, there are as many as 2,300 religious identifications—including Baha’is, Buddhists, Christians, Confucians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Zoroastrians, to name just a few.” (Speak Up pg. 136) People’s religions often shape their idea of a wide variety of issues such as, gay marriage or abortion. Therefore, anything you say regarding religion could greatly affect how your listeners respond to your …show more content…

I will be presenting to a class of about 30-40 students and it will be anytime between 12-12:50 so I will be aware that my audience might be hungry and thinking about lunch. I will try to grasp their attention by talking about the Italian food that my family enjoys making and eating. I also plan to talk about some traditions my family has for the holidays. I will keep in mind that because of the diversity in the audience, some people might not know about

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