The attitudes of immigrants who arrived here recently than that came earlier were starting to get worse. Over the time more and more people started to come into the united states. There are still more people coming into the united states. I don't blame them if it's for reasons back at where they live. But I do if they come here illegally.
I think that people are coming into the united states because their have problems in they manly live in so they moved here. People are also sending their children over the border in the south so when they arrive their parents are forced to come then they start to live here. But all the other people are coming into the united states then they want to stay here illegally.
Although I do think that people
Everyone in life wants a better life for themselves and their next generations. Many people in different countries are migrating to The United States for one or two main goals. Those two goals are a better opportunity for employment and education. Which in turn, accomplishing either one of these goals will provide a higher quality of life and a sense of importance for themselves and their family. However, Americans view the immigrants differently from what they are. Some Americans view the immigrants with different stereotypes and prejudices such as being lazy system abusers, dangerous criminals, and job thieves, just to name a few. However, these stereotypes are not true and does not represent the majority of immigrants. In actuality, immigrants are very disciplined hard workers whom are also highly motivated opportunity chasers, where in these ways they should and need to be viewed by Americans.
In the essay “Our Fear of Immigrants,” Jeremy Adam Smith writes about why it is we fear immigrants. Smith divides his essay with numerous examples and comparisons, through biological, sociological and psychological explanations. As unorthodox as it sounds, our hesitation towards outsiders can be explained in various ways we never believed imaginable; in Smith’s investigation, he unveils the bewildering reality about the contrasts between ourselves, as adults, and children when it comes to immigration. He begins with a distressful story of a classroom of 4th graders from Berkeley, California, who missed their classmate named Rodrigo when he didn’t return from Christmas break, due to his parents’ expired visa. Rodrigo’s classmates thought that it was so unfair, that they complained to their congressmen. Smith then contrasts this response of empathetic children to unsympathetic adults from Berkeley, California, who protested against immigrants who seek shelter in the U.S for the families. Smith pondered the questions: “Why do immigrants provoke such strong feelings of both empathy and revulsion, a polarization that pits fourth graders in Berkeley against the citizens of Murrieta?” and “What characteristics and qualities do Rodrigo’s classmates possess
This article talks about how some people that only speak English do not like the “new” immigrants because they come to this country and live in neighborhoods where they can speak their native tongue. Moreover, how some people are prejudice and hate “foreigners.” In addition, the author gives examples that American born citizens should speak proper English, before getting upset when immigrants come to this country and do not speak the language very well.
Illegal immigration has been a huge problem of United States for a long period of time. There are two common ways of how people come to US illegally; first is to cross the border between Mexico and US; second is to overstay when they come to US as a visitor. Why do people want to come to the United States if they are going to be here illegally? Simply, because those illegal immigrants want to have a better life than what they have back in their homeland; but the question here is why then did people come to the United States illegally if they are not getting any benefits? As I asked myself this question, my mind begun to think about the
People come to this country to build a better future for their family and want to help be part of the American
The Cultural environment is a set of beliefs, practices, customs, and behaviors which are familiar to people in a specific population. There are essential components of culture which include language and symbols. Symbols show the meaning and actions of events while the word conveys the values and beliefs of religion which allows the members of the society to pass on the cultural expectations of other generations. The following factors affect the culture of immigrants to a new population where they settle (Oberg, 1960).
America was widely known as a “melting pot” of sorts for many generations. The country earned its title by accepting immigrants of various cultures and molding, or melting, them into the American lifestyle. However, the “melting pot” idea of America is starting to dissipate. According to a Newsweek Poll on the public, “only 20 percent still think America is a melting pot” (Morganthau and Wolfberg, par.4). As more Americans push away immigrants and create stereotypes against said immigrants, America continues to lose its title as a “melting pot.” There is ethnic friction in America and people have begun to have a hard time assimilating (Morganthau and Wolfberg, par.18). .America is beginning to place a negative outlook on its
Her statement conclude that most of the act of prejudice towards homosexual has a lot more to do with the social control that surround the environment of the individual. This further proves how United States' History changed not only the culture of the country but also how other people view a group of their own countrymen. I believe that this mindset that has been developed over the years, makes people feel that they have the right to judge and determine who deserves to be treated as citizens of the United States.
Everyone in life wants a better life for themselves and their next generations. Many people in different countries are migrating to The United States for one or two main goals. Those two goals are a better opportunity for employment and education. Which in turn, accomplishing either one of these goals will provide a higher quality of life and a sense of importance for themselves and their family. However, Americans view the immigrants differently from what they are. Some Americans view the immigrants with different stereotypes such as being lazy system abusers, dangerous criminals, and job thieves, just to name a few. However, these stereotypes are not true and does not represent the majority of immigrant. In actuality, immigrants are very disciplined, hard workers whom are also highly motivated opportunity chasers, where in these ways they should and need to be viewed by Americans.
A recent study debunks the stereotype that the influx of immigrants is harmful to our country and that immigrants are bringing problems to the United States. The study looked at teens, both native-born and immigrants. While about half the teens were Hispanic, the study also included participants from other ethnic backgrounds. One-fifth were non-Hispanic white, and another one-fifth were Asian.
I think immigrants encountered many stereotypes on the daily basics and specifically in theses recent times immigration in many countries have become a target to negative stereotypes . Immigrants are often not recognized for their contribution in the society they are part of , they are blame for the increase of crime rate , they are blame for taking people jobs or their opportunities , they are seen as people who want everything for free and want to take advantage of the system , such as all the benefits. All of these examples presented are negative stereotypes presented from media and supported from certain sectors of society that are against immigrants . We can not ignored that immigration brings many issue and that is hard sometimes for
Illegal immigrants have always been a problem for the United States. Entering the country illegally can result in deportation back to their native country. The majority of those that enter the country illegally are here to find a better future. As more and more undocumented immigrants pour into this country, stricter laws are being passed which in terms becomes a controversial issue.
People from all over the world come to America for many reasons; for instance, most of illegal and legal immigrant come to this country for a better life and to reunite with family that live in the
Illegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for a long time so the issues that come with it should not be a surprise. America was established on the basis of newcomers settling here from abroad. Recently though, thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the U.S. through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico which has created a new an unanticipated issue for the U.S., in the past immigrants came from Europe and passed through the Ellis Island station in New York. Some people can enter the country legally through a visit visa, but then have continued to stay here illegally working the U.S., usually for the better benefits and higher pay. These cases are usually not the cause of the issues.
Immigration is the movement of non-native people in order to settle in a different place or country. People move out of their country of origin for many reasons. Whether it is for a better job, better education, or simply to be with loved ones, immigrants have come to the United States with dreams of living a better life. The United States is none other than a make up of immigrants from diverse countries. Immigrants have been coming to the United States since its founding and have shaped the way this country is today. Some immigrants pursue the legal route – getting a visa in order to work for the status of a citizen while others illegally enter the country and risk being detained and deported. It is estimated there are approximately 11.7