Purpose Statement: I will inform my audience of the extreme dangers of using a cell phone while driving a motor vehicle.
Thesis Statement: I hope to prevent my audience from using a cell phone while driving a motor vehicle with the information provided in this speech.
Attention Getter: How many of you use a cell phone while driving or even worse text while driving? Imagine for minute you are driving, when unexpectedly you get a text. Naturally hearing the text message sound makes you start thinking, “Maybe it’s my friend responding to my text, or maybe it could my spouse trying to tell me something is wrong?” You become anxious and start telling yourself “It won’t take long and it will only take a second to respond.” The next time you look up, you see nothing but red lights, but its too late too stop and you rear end the car in
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The Reality of Using Cell Phones While Driving
A. The following statistics will shock you enough to think twice about grabbing your cell phone next time you are in your vehicle.
1. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. In 2013 alone 3,154 people were killed in distracted related car crashes. Plus nearly 330,000 injuries from accidents related to cell phones, that’s an increase of 10% since 2011.
2. Out of all cell phone related tasks texting is by far the most dangerous and 94% of drivers support a ban on texting while driving. Texting is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk.
B. At any given time of the day it is estimated that nearly 660,000 drivers are attempting to use their cell phone while driving.
1. According to the CDC 69% of drivers in the United States between the ages 18 and 64 reported that they had talked on their cell phone while driving within the 30 days before they were
Texting while driving puts everyone in danger because it takes your attention away from the task of driving. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) in 2015 there were 3,477 deaths and another 391,000 injuries caused by distracted driving in the United States, and that’s just in one year. While this
Laws should be created and enforced for people who are texting while driving because it increases death rates, accidents, and more money will be paid to repair the car. Distracted drivers could be driving while eating, talking to passengers, or using the GPS. However, texting while driving is considered to be the most hazardous act. When people use their phones while driving they are putting their life and the people around them at risk. According to statistics compiled by the Department of Transportation in 2018, 3,477 people died and another 391,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes caused by drivers who were distracted because they were texting or using cell phones.
You notice people walking and talking on their cell phone not paying attention or bumping into others. If a driver is talking on the phone while driving this increases the risk of injury to themselves including others. The risk a driver is choosing to take by talking on the phone while driving can cause the driver to be distracted enough to run a light or stop sign, move into another lane, and can ultimately cause a crash between another car. According to the NHTSA, over 3,331 people were killed and over 387,000 injured in motor vehicle accidents connected to distracted driving.
While texting and driving the risks of getting into an accident go up greatly. Per every six seconds you are using your cell phone while driving, of those six seconds, four and a half seconds are spent with your eyes off of the road. Although 1,200 people were surveyed, most admitted that talking on the phone and texting are the two most dangerous things you can do while driving. Eighty one percent of drivers admit to making phone calls while driving. Dialing, talking and listening are all dangerous but most accidents occur when you are talking or listening because more time is spent doing those things than dialing itself. Texting causes a four hundred percent increase in time with your eyes spent off of the road, meaning that texting and driving is more dangerous. While not paying attention to the road many things are occurring and changing that you do not notice since you are not looking or paying attention.
According to Luke Ameen in his article “The 25 Scariest Texting and Driving Accident Statistics” on the website icebike.org, out of the 2.5 million car accidents that on average happen per year in the United States, 1.6 million accidents happen due to the involvement of a cell phone. (Ameen, 2017). This means that over 50% of car accidents are happening due to a driver using their cell phone while moving down the road also according to Luke Ameen (Ameen, 2017).
Texting and many other forms of distracted driving such as eating, answering calls, and listening to loud music can be detrimental to how you drive. Of all these texting is arguably the most dangerous. Those who feel it 's not dangerous to text and drive think they are able to multi-task good enough behind the wheel to be able to text. Well, this is
In 2009 AAA Foundation conducted a research and discovered that 91.5% of drivers considered talking on the phone while driving a serious threat to their safety; 97% said it was completely unacceptable to send or e-mail while driving. Also the National Highway Traffic Safety Traffic Safety Administration study shows that 6% of drivers at any time are on their phones.
Did you know that statistics show that people who text while driving are much more likely to have a wreck than people who do not? In this report, I will show how risky texting while driving really is. There are many dangers of texting while driving. Not only will it endanger your life but also the lives of everyone around you including other drivers, passengers and even pedestrians in the area. One of the most common results of texting while driving is having a crash where you can seriously hurt or kill yourself or others.
Cell phones was listed as one of the most common distraction. As study by the University of Michigan reports that 60 percent of people use their cell phones while driving. Texting while driving is exactly like drunk driving, each driver’s reaction time is way too slow. This is how crashes happen. Young adults think it’s perfectly fine for them to text and drive but they say that5 people older than them shouldn’t text while driving.
Texting while driving puts many driver’s lives in danger daily. Multiple people feel that staying connected to the outside world is more important than focusing on the road ahead, although it is not. It can harm others on the road who are doing nothing other than trying to make it to their destination safely. If people would open their eyes to the dangers of texting while driving, less car accidents would take place every year and the roads would be much safer. Distracted drivers need to know the position they put others in as well as themselves. While behind the wheel, drivers should never direct their attention to their cell phone, and should always keep their eyes on the road.
I just discussed with you the statistics of driving while driving, states with laws prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving, a video link to visit, and a story from my high school town. I hope you will consider the information I just shared and I strongly urge you to visit the video link, UK texting accident. All I want you to remember after this speech is that no text message is
As studies have shown the dangerous effects of using cell phones during driving is strictly unadvisable and illegal, I would assume that people would put down their phones and concentrate on driving while operating a motor vehicle. Apparently this is not so, “According to Saskatchewan
Texting and driving can also be dangerous because people could die. Not only that texting and driving causes distraction to where it increases the chances of you dying or getting into car accidents. On https://www.dmv.org/distracted-driving/texting-and-driving.php it says, “26% of all car crashes in 2014 involved cell phone use. At least 9 people are killed every day because of a distracted driver. More than 1,000 people are injured every day due to a distracted driver. In 2015 42% of teens say they have texted while driving—and
alone every year. The issue of driving while talking on a cell phone has become serious enough that five states have passed laws prohibiting this type of act and making it a primary offense to do so. Not only are drivers talking behind the wheel, but many have admitted to engaging in even more potentially dangerous behavior with their phones such as text messaging and surfing the internet. A distracted driver is a dangerous one. If you are focused on a conversation and your eyes are not on the road, drivers cannot be expected to make a quick and safe decision should the need for one arise. The behavior of a driver while using a cell phone has been compared to that of one driving while under the influence. Studies have shown that those who use a cell phone while driving are four times more likely to be involved in a crash than those who don’t.
The use of cell phone is very dangerous for drivers while driving. The drivers are supposed to be alert and concentrated to their ambient surrounding. The use of cell phone catch their attention and make them less alert to their surrounding which can lead to serious destruction. The use of cell phone is more dangerous than the use of alcohol while driving. Because it took half a second longer for a cell phone users to react than a normal person and one third of a second longer than a persons in drunken condition.