
Attention Getter For Texting And Driving Essay

Good Essays

Purpose Statement: I will inform my audience of the extreme dangers of using a cell phone while driving a motor vehicle.

Thesis Statement: I hope to prevent my audience from using a cell phone while driving a motor vehicle with the information provided in this speech.

Attention Getter: How many of you use a cell phone while driving or even worse text while driving? Imagine for minute you are driving, when unexpectedly you get a text. Naturally hearing the text message sound makes you start thinking, “Maybe it’s my friend responding to my text, or maybe it could my spouse trying to tell me something is wrong?” You become anxious and start telling yourself “It won’t take long and it will only take a second to respond.” The next time you look up, you see nothing but red lights, but its too late too stop and you rear end the car in …show more content…

The Reality of Using Cell Phones While Driving

A. The following statistics will shock you enough to think twice about grabbing your cell phone next time you are in your vehicle.

1. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. In 2013 alone 3,154 people were killed in distracted related car crashes. Plus nearly 330,000 injuries from accidents related to cell phones, that’s an increase of 10% since 2011.

2. Out of all cell phone related tasks texting is by far the most dangerous and 94% of drivers support a ban on texting while driving. Texting is 6x more likely to cause an accident than driving drunk.

B. At any given time of the day it is estimated that nearly 660,000 drivers are attempting to use their cell phone while driving.

1. According to the CDC 69% of drivers in the United States between the ages 18 and 64 reported that they had talked on their cell phone while driving within the 30 days before they were

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