Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder that can continue through adolescence and adulthood. ADHD is characterized by difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, impulsive behaviors and hyperactivity. The symptoms of ADHD are grouped in three categories: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Symptoms of inattention present as being easily distracted, missing details, forgetfulness, frequently going from one activity to another, difficulty focusing, easily bored, difficulty completing a task or learning something new, often losing things, disobedient to authoritative figures, constant daydreaming, and difficulty processing information compared to other in the …show more content…
He is easily distracted by things going on around him and by objects in his classroom. K.S. symptoms are in the subtype of combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. The exact cause of ADHD is unknown. It is believed to be caused by genetic, environmental factors, brain injuries and nutrional factors. Studies show that ADHD runs in families based on studies conducted on twins. The genes that are believed to be the cause of ADHD are genes involved with dopamine. Children with ADHD have low levels of dopamine. Children that have a certain gene related to ADHD have thinner brain tissue in the areas of the brain associated with attention. NIAMH research shows as the children became older, the brain developed to its normal thickness. Environmental factors associated with the development of ADHD high levels of lead, cigarette smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy. Children who have suffered a brain trauma can also develop symptoms similar to ADHD. It is believed that refined sugar causes ADHD however there is no research that provides evidence that sugar causes symptoms of ADHD. It is also believed that food additives such as food coloring cause hyperactivity. However, there isn't any research that proves this to be true. The plan of treatment for this child first begins with starting the children medication. Current medications for ADHD reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve behavior and functioning. Treatment for ADHD also includes psychotherapy, education
The cause of ADHD is unknown. Many researchers think that ADHD is caused by genetics, brain injuries, sugar and environmental links (Hasan, S. (Ed.). Research have found that certain areas of the brain are about 5 to 10 percent smaller in size and activity in kids with ADHD (Hasan, S. (Ed.). Another study has suggested that children who are exposed to a lot of television and video games at a young age has been linked to ADHD (Hasan, S. (Ed.). Some other researcher have also linked that mothers who smoked or used alcohol doing
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
Treatments can relieve many of the symptoms, but there is no cure for the disorder. Hygiene and diet can be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of a child with ADHD. Parents who have children with this disorder try to reduce the child’s sugar intake and also their intake of processed foods. Nutritional supplements can be a treatment for ADHD based on the assumption that certain nutrients are crucial for normal brain functioning. Macronutrients (amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) have propped as treatment for ADHD (Spetie 278). When a patient is under the care of a physician their weight and vital signs are monitored on a routinely bases in order to insure there are no drastic changes. The most common type of medication used for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a “Stimulant”. Stimulants have a calming effect on children with ADHD. Medication reduces children’s hyperactivity and impulsivity which can improve their ability to focus work, learn and live a normal life. Medications for ADHD can come in different forms, such as pills, liquid, skin patches, and capsules. Some of the medications that are widely used are Adderall (amphetamine) approved for children age 3 and older. Another common medication is Concerta (methylphenidate which is long acting. These medications can have different side effects on the patient, so it may take trial and error and close monitoring of the patient to determine what medication is best for the
First step to understanding this disorder is to understand how it is diagnosed and what criteria is required. There are 18 possible symptoms for ADHD that are divided into two categories, inattentive and hyperactivity/impulsive (Barkley 1997). In order to be diagnosed with ADHD an individual must show at least 6 symptoms in one category for 6 months (Barkley 1997). Depending on what category the symptoms were in the child would also be assigned to a subtype, either: predominantly inattentive or predominantly hyperactive/impulsive; but if the individual met criteria for both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive then the child would be diagnoses with ADHD combined (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 2013). Some of the symptoms that fall under the inattentive subtype are inability to stay focused on tasks (i.e. during lectures, conversations,
Like most other developed countries, the majority of our U.S. culture is now accustomed and drawn to the idea of “quick-fixes.” In this busy society, one is typically most intrigued by the option that is the easiest to implement and can provide the fastest results, such as a pain pill for a headache. However, in the world of mental health and its’ disorders, a “quick-fix” is usually not the best approach. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among these mental health disorders that should not be resorting only to a “quick-fix”, such as a stimulant medication, to effectively manage the disorder. This is especially true for ADHD among the pediatric population, as this is a time of rapid behavior and personality growth, as well
Medications for ADHD patients do not improve nor cure the disorder they just control it for about eight hours. The largest treatment research conducted was done for a group of 165 children still in pre-school between the ages of three and five year olds (Costa-Dias S45).The study showed most common side effects were that some of
After being adopted at the age of 5, I had some behavioral issues that were hard to parent. My parents took me to be assessed, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Shortly after being given this diagnosis I was put on the strongest dose of Ritalin, which I responded to by having zero affect. After the dosage was figured out, I was seen by several psychiatrists to confirm the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It wasn’t until third grade when I went to see my doctor, that I was then given the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder, which I took Adderall for until sixth grade as well as stopped taking the Ritalin. As far as being assessed, I haven’t been involved in any assessments directly, rather my mother would provide the
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that emerges during childhood but often results in symptoms that persist into adulthood. Psychologists specifically define it as, “a developmental disorder characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention” (J. Tarver, 2014). Children with ADHD can be described as having great difficulty paying attention, difficulty controlling their behavior and displaying excessive motor activity (Meyers & Berk, 2016). Most of these behaviors can be typical of children at one point or another, but for a child with ADHD it is common for these symptoms to be constant and cause interference at school, home or with friends. This
Stimulant medications can help repress and control impulsive behavior. An example of this would be methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin). This type of medication can reduce hyperactivity, and additionally improve social interactions, assist with concentration, and facilitate better performance in school and work. These medications can also help children with ADHD that comorbid with other disorders. When used under proper medication supervision, these medications are generally safe and usually do not have bad side effects. Haggarty (2015) also states that these medications should be monitored in teenagers or adults because they are addictive and can be misused. These medications are not a cure-all, but can be successful in treating ADHD if used appropriately at the right dosage. It is important that the children taking ADHD medication be regularly re-evaluated by a physician to make sure everything is in order since the risk and benefits of medications can change over time. Haggarty (2015) also states that a combination of medication and other techniques should be used to help improve the symptoms. Psychotherapy can also be used if medication alone is not enough. Psychosocial interventions, such as parent training and behavioral modifications can be used. The goal of these interventions is to make sure parents and educators are prepared with methods to better handle problems when they come up. They will learn to reward the child for positive behaviors and discourage negative behaviors. This therapy also tries to teach techniques that would help a child with ADHD to control inattention and impulsive behaviors (Haggerty,
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a neurobehavioral development disorder diagnosed by a number of symptoms. ADHD cannot be diagnosed until seen by a doctor. There is no simple test for ADHD, however there is a standardize way that ADHD is diagnosed. For someone to be diagnosed with ADHD the person must have six inattention and six hyperactive impulsive behavior for it least six months. To a degree where it’s inconsistent with development level and that negatively impacts directly on social, academic and occupational activities. There is a number of symptoms such as fidgetiness individuals with ADHD have. Unfinished
ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a condition affecting how children and adults pay attention or control impulsive behaviors. The symptoms of ADHD include forgetting or losing items, talking too much, making mistakes, and have difficulty sitting still. Most people are diagnosed with ADHD between four -seventeen years of age. ADHD can progress in to adult hood. Several steps must be taken to determine if a person has ADHD. Those steps include a through medical examination, and an inventory checklist were a parent or adult will rate ADHD symptoms. One diagnosis with ADHD most treatments opinion includes medication and behavioral therapy. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, retrieved 10/20/2016)
The brain is an electrical system that communicates with other subsystems within our brains to get the smallest to the most complex things done and our brains do this constantly. This system operates on low voltage electrical impulses that carry messages from one tiny neuron to another in fractions of a second, these neurons are not physically connected; there are gaps at each point of connection and to get messages from one neuron to another, an electrical message needs to jump the gap (Brown, 2013). So, essentially children with ADHD cannot release these chemicals or they don’t jump the gap fast enough to get transmitted properly. While these factors may make the child's symptoms increase in duration or they may get worse, they are not the root cause. There are multiple possible causes that scientists are constantly researching but it still remains that researchers do not know the cause of ADHD.
ADHD Research Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disability in which children consistently show one or more of the following characteristics over a period of time. (1) Inattention, (2) hyperactivity, and (3) impulsivity (Kirst-Ashman, Zastrow 2004). Children who are inattentive have difficulty focusing on any one thing and may get bored with a task after only a few minutes. Children who are hyperactive show high levels of physical activity, almost always seeming to be in motion. Children who are impulsive have difficulty curbing their reactions and don’t do a good job of thinking before they act.
Scientists are studying causes and risk factors that might contribute to the development of ADHD in an attempt to better control and reduce the chances of a person having the disorder. Researchers who study the brain are coming closer to understanding what may cause ADHD. They believe that some people with ADHD don’t have enough of certain chemicals, called neurotransmitter, in the brain. These chemicals help the brain control behavior. However the exact or precise cause of the disorder remains unknown.
Attention Deficit Disorder otherwise known as ADD is a condition that refers to an individual’s inability to control their own behavior or impulse(McEwan 70). This can begin in early childhood and interfere with children’s ability to do well in school and social situations. These patients also have troubles blocking out noise or other stimuli in order to focus on a task or what is being said. ADD is a chronic problem that can be seen as early as infancy and can extend to adulthood. There are two types of Attention Deficit Disorder. The most common form is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The characteristic of this type is hyperactivity, which is seen before the child enters