
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )

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ADHD is a disorder that mainly affects children, but can continue into an adult’s daily life. It was classified in 1987 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III). It has a variety of negative outcomes that can interrupt a child’s schooling and normal life. There are true cases of ADHD that children have been diagnosis using the DSM-III, but there have been children said to be ADHD because they are just hyperactive. The level of hyperactivity or impulsivity must be appropriately measured by psychologist over years of the children experiencing symptoms to be able to true diagnosis. The proper diagnosis can affect the child’s schooling and life after school as an adult with work skills. It is most often treated using Psychostimulants. This paper will cover what attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is, the causes and effects it has on people, as well as the treatments and possible preventives. The history of how long this disorder has been affecting our youth society. “Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a biologically based but heterogeneous disorder connected to a variety of negative outcomes” (Sasser et al., 2016). ADHD can be found in both adults and children, but is more prevalent in children than in adults. According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the United States alone eleven percent of children from age four to seventeen have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011 (Key, 2014). Boys of this age

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