
Atlanta Christian Church In America Summary

Decent Essays

The transnational ties of the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church (ACCC) with Chinese outside of the United States profoundly shaped the membership structure and development of the Chinese-American Church. Edited by Edwin Su, 大洋彼岸的長河:美國華人查經班回顧與展望 (The History of Chinese Bible Study Group in America: Its Review and Outlook) traces the origin and development of the Chinese-American Christian church in the United States from the 1950s to the present with a large number of primary sources such as images and Chinese newsletters. Considering the contributors are members of their churches, the book could be seen as a compilation of primary sources, though the editor argues that it is not an academic book. One of the contributors Jianxin Ren explores the history of the ACCC from 1963 to the early 21st century and offers many first-hand resources by using …show more content…

The Formation and Development of Chinese Communities in Atlanta, Augusta, and Savannah, Georgia: From Sojourners to Settlers, 1880-1965 written by Daniel Aaron Bronstein examines the transition of Chinese “from being perceived as ‘outsiders’ before the 1940s to being treated as ‘honorary whites’ by the late 1960s,” and creates a trans-regional narrative in which the generational differences of Chinese-Americans played a significant role in shaping Chinese-American community and identity.

The trans-regional narrative witnessed a remarkable narrative transformation in the late 1990s and early 2000s when many studies paid attention to create historical interpretations of Chinese-American community, culture, and identity. Some scholars began to examine Chinese-American family history by placing Chinese-Americans within a larger historical context. One of the outstanding works is The Lucky Ones: One Family and the Extraordinary Invention of Chinese America written by Mae

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