
Athletic Trainer

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Chris Linde stated “My job as an athletic trainer is to prevent injuries as such as possible. I also help with strengthening and conditioning, guidance in nutrition and sleeping, and I also make sure the playing area is safe”. When he was young he always enjoyed my Athletic Trainer. After being pushed to his limits and fighting through pain there was always someone to care for his aches, and pains. She give him opinions on what to do when he was alone to prevent fatigue and serious injuries that would prevent him from playing to my fullest potentional or limit him from acheiving his goals. She told him she always enjoyed the satisfaction and enjoyment in the kids eyes when they would achieve in their sport and thank her for helping them get …show more content…

There is no minimum age to become an athletic trainer most start at early 20s and retire around late 50s. There are mainly more physical demands than health. An athletic trainer needs to be able to carry injured athletes, 10-gallon water containers, and medical kits. Completing physical testing procedures of muscles and ligaments to all body joints, and taping procedures in a good amount of time. Running across uneven field surfaces to care for emergency situations and being able to perform CPR and First Aid procedures to an athlete that is injured. Athletic trainers personalities should be decisive, confident, be able to listen and lead, observant, and be able to remain calm in midst of a crisis. The more experience you have in these types of professions is the better, because many employers will consider new graduates with no experience. They say it is advised to gain experience during school, by having this experience it makes them competitive candidates on the job market. A bachelor's degree is standard, and a master's degree is common. You must have at least a bachelor's degree to become a athletic trainer. To become a licensed athletic trainer you are suggested to join a degree program that has been accredited by the Commission on accreditation of athletic training education and they must also pass a comprehensive test administered by the board of certification. Also must have a CPR certification license, which is needed in most states. The most easiest method of getting into this profession is earning a simple bachelor's degree instead of continuing to get a masters degree, or simply go thru programs earn hours and work

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