When someone is forced to live with an adversity there is many different ways an they could cope with it. I believe the best two ways to overcome adversity is to be able to have imagination and patience. With these two skills anyone can push their way through the difficulties and ultimately overcome them. When Gerda Weissmann a holocaust survivor, was living during the holocaust she was facing extreme adversity, she lost all of her family and was living in some of the most unthinkable, disgusting, inhumane places. She had patience and fought through her hardships. She was freed and married the man that liberated her. When a survivor needs to overcome something so tragic that takes place in their lives, they need to be able to imagine the best. Explains Gredda, she was a strong patient imaginative, and respectable women. For even when the worst was taking place she pushed herself and continued moving forward. This proves my thesis because although she was forced to endure such horrific conditions and acts, she prevailed through it all and was able to live a life filled with …show more content…
He wanted everyone to be able to enjoy lunch with friends and not have to worry about whether or not they will be lonely again. Although he was able to conquer his adversity when he was younger he didn't want anyone else going through what he did. He made a club witches main purpose was to go around the school yard and make sure no one was alone. His actions had huge impact on the lives of others. This proves my thesis because the imagination this young man contained was tremendous, he wanted nothing more then happiness at his school. With the appropriate help and patience he was able to make his dreams of a club come true and helped every student in need of attention and support and made his school yard a much better
When Irene Safran was only twenty-one years old, her carefree life ended in the face of the Holocaust. Born to two Jewish parents as one of ten children-- four girls and six boys in all-- in Munkachevo, Czechoslovakia around the year 1923, her world changed in early April 1944 when she and her family were transferred to a Jewish ghetto. For the next year, Irene's life was a series of deaths, losses, and humiliations no human should ever have to suffer, culminating, years later, with a triumphant ending. Her story is proof that the human spirit can triumph over all manner of adversity and evil.
Overcoming adversity takes a lot of skill and hard work. If you don’t try to finish, you can’t expect to win. Adversity is an obstacle in lots of lives, whether it’s at work or at school. Using determination, courage, patience, and attemptation helps you overcome adversity because adversity is just an obstacle, so it will die down, later on. Don’t give into adversity, for giving up means that there is no way to succeed and you will be stuck in a loop of adversity. Always be hopeful and strong, and adversity won’t be a problem to deal
The Holocaust, yet another unpleasant time in history tainted with the blood and suffering of man. Human beings tortured, executed and starved for hatred and radical ideas. Yet with many tragedies there are survivors, those who refused to die on another man’s command. These victims showed enormous willpower, they overcame human degradation and tragedies that not only pushed their beliefs in god, but their trust in fellow people. It was people like Elie Wiesel author of “Night”, Eva Galler,Sima Gleichgevicht-Wasser, and Solomon Radasky that survived, whose’ mental and physical capabilities were pushed to limits that are difficult to conceive. Each individual experiences were different, but their survival tales not so far-reaching to where the fundamental themes of fear, family, religion and self-preservation played a part in surviving. Although some of these themes weren’t always so useful for survival.
In The Story of Blima: A Holocaust Survivor, author Shirley Russak Wachtel presents scenes depicting the worst that human beings are capable of, and the best. She skillfully contrasts her mother’s suffering at the hands of the Nazis with the loving treatment that Blima receives from three strong women. In the course of the story, Blima receives loving support from her mother; from the labor guard, Gizella; and from her sister-in-law, Ruschia.
Alaa Khalil Ms. VanSchaik English 10H 06 March 2024 Survival How are some people able to overcome every difficult situation they encounter? Is it a motivational one? Perseverance. The need to be alive? Whatever it may be, everyone handles situations differently, which also includes their thought process during and after the situation.
Gerda Weissmann is a strong figure, who stayed brave during the Holocaust. Gerda Weissmann has taught me that you should be strong in the face of danger. She has taught me that even when you are struggling to keep yourself alive, you still have the ability to stand for others and save them as well. Even though I have just learned of the great deeds she has done, I am proud to say that Gerda Weissmann and her story have helped me become a better person. I am astounded by her strong will, and hope that I will also be brave like Gerda Weissmann.
Adversity is defined as difficulties or challenges presented to us. This can be anything that troubles someone or gives them a hard time in life. Yes we are all faced with adversity but what is different is how it is overcome. Everyone has their own way by either reacting or responding. Accepting the adversity and trying to change it into something better. Some people just crack under calamity.
Adversity can be seen in many different ways. Some people look at adversity as a learning experience, while others view adversity as a situation marked with misfortune. When a person is faced with adversity, rather than viewing it as something to hate, they should see it as a opportunity to grow. In the stories by Doris Lessing, W.D Wetherell and Alice Walker, they all show different types of challenges each character had to over come and their journey to do so. These stories all shared similar outcomes, they demonstrate how each character used an obstacle they were faced with, and turned it into a beneficial experience and how it shaped them into the person they are today.
Adversity will be overcome when one becomes brave , determined , and has the willingness to fail.As being born without a arm, baseball player Jim Abbott, had a long journey ahead of him.Or the brave runners who ran the Boston Marathon after two bombs went off at the finsh line. last year.Even Malala Yousafzai, a young who got shot in the head by the taliban because she thought that girls all girl should get an education.All of these people remember to maintain in control , be brave , and accept failure when overcoming adversity.
Gerda hard endured the hardships performed on her by the Nazis for several years before she makes the profound assertion that suffering only exists because she recognizes it. Gerda has lost all of her family members and nearly all of her friends. The pain and sorrow she has felt over the loss of her loved ones boils up until it reaches her maximum threshold of acknowledgement. This culmination of emotions erupts into a state of apathy, in which she loses her ability to feel sorrow. Gerda recognizes her duty as a survivor when she states, “Now I have to live, because I am alone and nothing can hurt me any more” (Klein 95). This profound statement embodies Gerda’s new outlook on the importance of life. She comprehends the fact that she will
“I pray you never stand at any crossroads in your own lives, but if you do, if the darkness seems so total, if you think there is no way out, remember, never ever give up. The darker the night, the brighter the dawn, and when it gets really, really dark, this is when one sees the true brilliance of the stars.” These words were spoken by Gerda Klein, a Holocaust survivor. Her story is filled with desperation and an overwhelming sense of hope. Gerda Weissmann was born in Bielsko, Poland. Both of her parents and her older brother died during the Holocaust. She was somehow able to survive “the ghetto, deportation, slave labor camps and a three month death march. She was rescued by an American soldier named Kurt Klein. She ended up marrying him and moving to the United States.
Overcoming adversity is hard, but these people survived the toughest obstacles that life could throw at you. Adversity is something everyone goes through, but these are extraordinary cases of what people went through.This crowd of people overcame adversity in three ways, only caring about what they thought, being creative, and facing their problems.
Adversity is something that many people are able to over come, most people can by themselves, others it requires a lot of help and if they work together and set aside petty fears it will be overcome. When they come out to the other side they will be stronger that before both mentally and/or
Between the years of 1939 and 1945 many of the people in Germany let out their inner beast. Some likely never knew this inner brutality existed within them and others had kept it hidden deep inside intentionally. Irma Grese used the Holocaust to express her inner most anger and hate. She abused, killed, and controlled the people in the camps she worked at, all with the blessings of the German Nazis she worked for. A Holocaust survivor, Olga Lyngel, later described Grese as a “twenty-two year old girl…completely without pity.” This description of Irma Grese only gives a glimpse into her true essence. She consisted of a nature so completely devoid of compassion and empathy it barely resembled anything close to normal human behavior.
Everyone experiences adversity. Challenges that everyday people experience can potentially shape, improve, or destroy one's sense of self and personality. Through all these hardships and seemingly impenetrable obstacles, the most pertinent component of one's ability to overcome can only be shown in actions taken despite the odds. People have one of two options; to let those obstacles overwhelm them and keep them from pursuing all that they were destined to accomplish, or to march forward, fight harder and push past the seemingly impossible circumstances to become greater than they ever expected to be, but until they take the step that enables them to be successful -- they are stranded. All of our actions, mistakes, successes, and behaviors shape our person and what we can or cannot become, but what will always matter is our individual decisions and actions not those of the people around us because at the end of the day, we are the ones who have to deal with ourselves.