
Assisted Reproduction Technologies Pros And Cons

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As the years, have progressed, the sensation for science has increased, as well as the aspiration for technology. Because of this, many new ideas and innovation have been brought to us, such as the development of ART, Assisted Reproductive Technology. The use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies has been brought to allow pregnancies to be effectuated when the natural way is not option. The interest for unnatural pregnancy began in the early 1800s when John Hunter, a Scottish surgeon inseminated a woman with her husband’s sperm. Due to this incidence, later in the late 1800s, the idea for sperm donation sprouted. From there on, the curiosity for other ways to succeed in unnatural pregnancies devolved rapidly. One of these ways was the In Vitro …show more content…

The fundamental reason on why Assisted Reproduction Technologies were developed was to help people, and not harm them in any way. For example, the IVF form of ART has assisted many patients with different situations, such as women with damaged fallopian tubes, patients with infertility problems, women with diseases such as endometriosis or PCOS, or also couple who are the same sex. Not only have Assisted Reproduction Technologies assisted the patients to achieve their goals of having a family, but ART have also been known to help diagnose other problem someone may have such as feralization, or other complications they might have not been aware of. Many times, people will also become concerned on the idea of unused embryos, as mentioned previously, but they fail to realize how beneficial they can be. Unused embryos can always be donated to research or to other couples in need of it, in other words, you could also be considered to be “saving life’s”. Also, according to CreateFertility, Assisted Reproduction Technologies are not only able to diagnose diseases but also do screenings and check the patients for inherited diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s Disease, and so …show more content…

(Frank H. Pierek 340). During the research, it was concluded that over 1500 of the interfiled men had become accessible to a form of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. In addition, over 60% of them, their problem of their infertility was revealed, and better treatment which was focused on their own specific situation specifically was given. Additionally, for the other percentage of men, a “rational andrological treatment” was given. Over all, the data was able to prove that different types of Assisted Reproductive Technologies can allow for people to have a better understanding of what is occurring in their bodies before going through a procedure, rather than only believing that ART could just be

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